Doodles of an Uprising

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The living room of the small cottage was filled with unbounded happiness as the couple watched their daughter crawl for the first time, it was towards Sirius hair gel bottle that had been dropped on the floor in fright when Sirius had spotted a sp...

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The living room of the small cottage was filled with unbounded happiness as the couple watched their daughter crawl for the first time, it was towards Sirius hair gel bottle that had been dropped on the floor in fright when Sirius had spotted a spider earlier that day.

It was true what Charlie Weasley had said months ago when he had visited England whilst on a mission for Dumbledore, Katrina truly was her father's daughter.

"Oh my Merlin, look at my little girl!" Sirius' shouted in a piercing voice, which had halted all movement from their daughter as she instantly stared giggling at the funny voice she had heard, leaving a familiar playful air in the cottage. "Aren't you such a smart girl? Yes you are."

Their daughter only giggled again in response.

Rosalind moved towards her daughter, and carried her towards her baby chair at the dinning room table, all while she made grabby hands at her dad, who only turned into a dog and chased his tail, once again setting the girl off in a fit of never-ending giggles.

"I think we should get Snuffles neutered, don't you agree Kat?"

Sirius quickly transformed back into his human form, to the dismay of his daughter who wore an adorable pout on her chubby face.

It wasn't long ago, when Molly was visiting the cottage along with Bill and Fleur (much to her displeasure), she had warned the couple about what to expect from a crawling baby, and the absolute carnage that Ron had caused when he first began to crawl. She vaguely remembered a story about a crawling Ronald Weasley pulling on a table cloth resulting in an entire feast that had been set up ready for dinner splatting on the floor. Rosalind had been shocked that Ron had even made it to his first birthday after pulling a stunt like that with Molly Weasley on watch.

Laughter was the only sound that could be heard in the small cottage.

But, in the few months that had passed since the groups drunken night out, laughter was rarely heard. The windows to the cottage had been boarded up with panels of wood to shield the family from any outside threats leering at them. Magic coated them all the way from the gardens up to the far end of the cobbled walls of the cottage, protecting them. In every way imaginable, the cottage appeared abandoned to any onlookers.

Rosalind and Katrina never left the house, but dozens of Order members were constantly rotating in and out, Sirius joining them. He was on the front lines, guarding and fighting, leaving the house not only on missions but to bring the inhabitants of the house supplies, they were always prepared to go into hiding at a moments notice.

It was just the reality of how the the world of war was.

The sun was beginning to lower in the sky as the family settled to eat their final meal of the peaceful day, Rosalind had spent hours on the meal, having nothing really to do, making an abundance of roast chicken, roast potatoes, and yorkshire puddings to embrace the house with.

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