Doodles of Admissions of Feelings

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"I fancy Sirius Black

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"I fancy Sirius Black."

"Finally. Fuck, I was getting impatient waiting for you to admit it." laughed Benjamin, watching Rosalind doodle love hearts all over her forearms.

"I fancy Sirius Black." Rosalind repeated, brown eyes wide.

"Yes," Benjamin said slowly, as if talking to a child, "we have gone over this once already."

Rosalind suddenly squealed loudly, bright smile on her face. "I fancy Sirius Black!"

"Blood hell." Benjamin poked her thigh as though turning off a computer when it's glitching, "Are you having a real-life buffering? Do you need turning off and on?" 

"This is massive! Do you realise that I've never fancied or been attracted to anyone before?" Rosalind let out a snort, her eyes sparkling as her smile widened even more then she thought was possible.

She fancied Sirius Black.

"Oy! We kissed in fifth year!" Benjamin reminded her, a fake look of hurt on his face.

"You begged me too." responded Rosalind, poking his cheek to get rid of the look of hurt on his face.

"I needed help with my sexuality!"

"And I was happy to help."

Benjamin cooed at her, as though she was a baby taking her first steps, before tackling her onto the bed. The duo cheered happily like the day they graduated Dumstrang.

They were extremely happy to leave school and everyone in it.

In hindsight, Rosalind knew she should be happy but she was suddenly terrified when reality settled in. Sirius didn't know her past or even her last name. He didn't know the truth and she didn't even want to imagine his reaction.

He would hate her.

Benjamin noticed her sudden sombre mood and hugged her body even tighter to his body. "What's the frown for, Lind?"

"If he found out he'd hate me." Rosalind replied, sighing as she felt tears stinging her eyes.

"No he wouldn't. I didn't hate you when I found out."

Rosalind pulled back, tears dropping down her cheeks. "But you're the exception, not the rule."

Benjamin looked confused, "What?"

"You know what I mean." Rosalind replied, dropping back onto the bed, "Most people who know the truth hate me. That's the rule. The select few who know and don't hate me are the exceptions. So you, Benny, are an exception."

Benjamin joined her on the bed, "Well, Sirius could be an exception."

"But what if he's the rule?"

"But what if he's the exception?" replied Benjamin, leaving Rosalind with a lot to think about.

The duo sat in silence for a while before Rosalind came to a very immature, stupid and not well thought out plan.

She was going to avoid Sirius Black.

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