Doodles of Reunions

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Rosalind was shitting it

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Rosalind was shitting it.

The next day had come around faster then Rosalind could have ever anticipated. She was currently stood outside of Grimmuald Place, for the first time in a month, attempting to build the confidence to go in and speak to Sirius.

She had been stood outside for ninety minutes.

It definitely looked very suspicious to anyone walking by seeing a woman with ink all over her arms pacing outside a building that doesn't yet exist. An elderly woman who had walked past with her dog only a few minutes earlier had looked at her as if she was wearing an orange jumpsuit and had blood all over her.

"Deep breaths, deep breaths." and with that pathetic excuse of a pep talk, Rosalind entered the house.

The second she had opened the door, Rosalind immediately made eye contact with the man she had deeply missed, Sirius Black. Though she would never admit to missing him this much out loud. There was a moment of silence as the man's mouth opened and closed like a goldfish before he rushed widely over to her. In his rush he knocked over a few pieces of furniture, the noise waking up the portrait, but for once Sirius didn't seem to care.

Sirius leapt forward and tackled her into an extremely tight hug, causing her to drop the bag she had brought with her. His larger frame surrounded her smaller one, suffocating the woman. "Rose." He whispered into her hair, arms getting tighter by the second.

"The portrait." Rosalind blurted, not knowing how to handle the emotional reunion other then ruining it.

"Leave it."


"Leave it." Sirius repeated more forcefully, pulling back from the hug as his eyes scanned up and down her body, "Took you long enough."

"It's only been a month, Sirius."

"No," he pocked her nose playfully, "you've been stood outside for an hour and a half, love."

Rosalind's cheeks heated up with embarrassment as she attempted to come up with an excuse, "I-I was nervous."

Sirius stroked down her cheek with a single finger before trailing it down her face, leaving a path of fire in its wake. "You never have to be nervous about speaking to me."

Rosalind didn't expect him to have such a positive reaction to seeing her again, especially since the last time they had been in each others presence she was a creature of dark magic. But, Sirius didn't seem to have any self-preservation. "We're you watching me while I was outside?" She questioned, blush still prominent on her face.

"Yes." Sirius replied, looking very unperturbed.

Rosalind took a proper look at him, a month was way too long without looking at him in all his glory. In Rosalind's honest opinion, five minutes was too long without looking at Sirius Black. His appearance had changed drastically, though he still looked unfairly handsome, his hair was unkempt and tousled, beard had grown out slightly to the awkward stage between stubble and a fully grown beard, and the bags under his eyes were bigger then the bag Rosalind had in her hand when she first arrived. Still, his appearance made her heart beat uncontrollably.

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