Doodles of Chizpurfle Infestation

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The bed was weirdly comfortable

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The bed was weirdly comfortable.

It was in the middle of a green painted room, sitting on a dark wooden floor. There was a drawer on the left side and a wardrobe on the right. It was a very dark room but at least it didn't have a chizpurfle infestation. She had gotten rid of the infestation in her room last night after dinner.

She had promised Sirius that she would help him get rid of the chizpurfles as she had some knowledge in that area. Along with Defence Against the Dark Arts, her second-best subject was Care of Magical Creatures.

"If there's something strange, in your neighbourhood, who you gonna call?" Benjamin's voice started to get louder as he crept towards her bed before jumping onto her body and shouting "Ghost Busters!" He poked her cheek "You have pen on your face."

Rosalind was used to waking up this way, Benjamin lying on top of her and singing. In a non-sexual way of course. Even now, in this time of war and danger, it warmed her heart to know there was still some positively in this world.

Benjamin had been down in the dumps as of recently. Cupid and he had moved in together seven months ago when Cupid had proposed. One month ago, Benjamin had left and moved into Rosalind's apartment because of a "distance in the relationship." The issue seemed fixable at the time. However, Cupid had been adamant that Voldemort had not returned which made the drift get even bigger. It didn't seem fixable now. But since arriving at Grimmuald Place last night he seemed to be in higher spirits.

"When do I not have pen on my face?" Rosalind managed to groan out from underneath Benjamin's body. "Get off me- I can't breathe."

"Not my problem." Scoffed Benjamin, wiggling his bony arse onto her body for emphasis causing the buried woman to groan in pain.

"One again, your bony arse is suffocating me, and I can't breathe." Rosalind breathed deeply trying to savour the little oxygen she was being gifted.

"Fine. I'm gone. Get a shower then help Sirius with them little shits; he's been moaning about them for the past hour- such a drama queen." Benjamin said with a very dramatic groan himself, lifting his body off of hers and leaving the room with a flourish of his hand.

The bathroom was through the door next to the wardrobe. Rosalind had gotten rid of the chizpurfle's in the bathroom last night, so it was pest free but not mold free. There was another door connected to the bathroom, it was the door to Sirius' bedroom.

They would be sharing a bathroom. It was a disaster waiting to happen.

Rosalind opened the door and stepped into the bathroom. Sirius Black was stood in front of the sink, appearing to have just finished shaving and trimming his hair. His hair was slicked back and tamed while his face was freshly shaven, revealing his handsome and more youthful face. Rosalind gulped at the sight of him before tracing the alphabet on her left arm to calm her beating heart. 

"Shower." she said weakly, pointing to the shower behind Sirius' body.

He smirked at her, obviously appreciating her reaction. It quickly changed into a gently smile as his eyes scanned her face, landing on the ink smudge on her cheek. "I'll just go to my room and leave you to shower." he said, waving his hand in the shower's direction with a nonchalant motion. "Meet me in the library when you're finished- no need to rush- so we can get rid of them little pests."

Rosalind numbly nodded as she watched him leave the bathroom and go into his bedroom, closing the door behind him. She let out a laugh at her own silly behaviour, "Well I now know the definition of morning wood for a woman."

The smudged ink came off easily and left her with clear arms ready to be drawn on during the rest of the day.

The library was easy to locate. Rosalind had always loved books. They weren't as high up as carrots and Ben on her list, but they were high up. Benjamin had always loved libraries and study groups, so of course he introduced Rosalind to books. Now the duo read books together; they read each line in sync. Another reason they were best friends.

"What are your orders, m'dear?" Sirius asked. He insisted she give him orders on what to do as she was the 'most capable of the two'. His words had caused her to flush and him to laugh at her.

"Remus and Ben have already declined helping so it's just the two of us" she sighed, "so more work and probably more injuries."

"Injuries?" Sirius stopped all smirking, thinking over her words. "Are these things going to harm this body?" He gestured to his robed and jean clad body, seeming to regret offering her his assistance

"They have pincers so probably." She grabbed her spare set of protective gear and threw it at him. An 'oof' came out of his mouth as he managed to catch the gear last second. "Put them on and be careful. The fangs shouldn't be too painful if they pierce your skin'"

"You have a lovely way with words. Has anyone ever told you that before?"

"Well I only speak to Benjamin, Albus and that's it. So, no-no one has ever told me that." She replied not clocking onto his sarcasm.

"And me" Sirius gestured to himself, mock offended.

"And you." she agreed with a small, shy smile.

By the time they were finished with all the rooms, Rosalind had created lots of new curse words like "fuckwit", "cock goblin" and "holy fuckballs" that were now doodled all over her forearms. The words represented how the pest removal process went, apparently Sirius Black did not know the definition of the word "careful." He had gone after the chizpurfle's with no self-preservation causing them both to be attacked multiple times.

"My apologies, love," Sirius apologized again, healing his wounds with his wand, "got a bit excited; I haven't had any action in a while." Sirius chuckled at his own words- the double meaning causing Rosalind to flush red and her mind to go to dark places.

God, she was so screwed.

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