Doodles of Therapy

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For the first time in the past month there was a smile on Rosalind's face

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For the first time in the past month there was a smile on Rosalind's face.

Benjamin was the only one who knew were she had been hiding out for the last month, if you count her apartment as a hiding place. He had been keeping her up-to-date with the orders meetings and the people in them, more specifically Sirius Black.

"Dumblewhore hasn't given anyone any information about you." Benjamin explained, his hands combing through her hair in an attempt to relax her constant stressing and nonstop doodling. "He said, and I quote 'Miss Grindelwald is to be trusted.'"

Rosalind laughed at his terrible impression before poking his thigh repeatedly, "But I'm sure they wont trust a Grindelwald."

"Well if they don't they haven't mentioned it. Their all too scared of old Dumbles to go agaisnt his word."

"He can be scary sometimes." Rosalind admitted

"Sometimes? You're madder then I originally thought, he's scary all the time even when he's acting like he's been smoking crack for the past forty seven years."

Rosalind snorted loudly, "Forty seven is a strangely specific number."

"Well your a strangely specific number."

"You wound me, Benny."

"Fuck off, Lind."

The radio in the apartment was bursting music extremely loudly, there would definitely be a noise complaint from the neighbours tomorrow. The duo sang along to the cheesy music, enjoying this time together which seemed to be happening less and less as the war started to begin.

Benjamin suddenly stopped singing and turned towards the woman with a serious expression on his face, "He misses you."

"No he doesn't." Rosalind instantly shut down the possibility, she knew if Benjamin continued to say things like that she would break and go see him.

Her resolve was not very strong.

"Yes he does."

"And how would you know that?"

"Sirius doesn't exactly make it a secret." Benjamin dramatically coughed and lowered his voice slightly to imitate Sirius, "Is she alright? Does she need anything? Is she eating enough? Does Rose ever speak about me? How is she feeling? Did she heal her injuries the correct way?"

"Okay, okay enough, Ben." she slapped her hand over his mouth and he just wiggled his eyebrows suggestively in response.

"W-what would he think about me when he finds out the entire truth?"

"He will think differently of you." Benjamin admitted

"Oh well that makes me feel wonderful," Rosalind scoffed, doodling a frowny face onto her left elbow, "honestly thanks for the pep talk."

"You didn't let me finish." Benjamin exclaimed, "If you let me finish you would be blown away and already on your way to Askaban 2.0."

"Fine. My apologies, finish your inspirational speech."

"He will treat you differently then before the incident," he pulled her towards him and sat her in-between his thighs, brushing her hair again, "but he will be treating you differently because he will be blown away by your courage, by your kind heart, by your ability to be a genuinely good person despite all life had thrown at you. That's why he will treat you differently, not out of fear but out of astonishment."

Rosalind ridiculously felt tears welling up in her eyes because of his words. She manoeuvred her body so their fronts were pressed against each other, legs tangled together as she threw her arms around his neck. The tears started to fall as the pair of best friends hugged each other tightly.

"Love you, Benny."

"Love you too, numpty." he replied before pulling his head back and swiping his thumbs across her cheeks, wiping away her tears. "The headquaters will be empty for the next three days, everyone's either on missions or at their own homes. Sirius can't leave so he will be alone. Go and speak to him tomorrow."


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