Doodles of Dinner Time

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If there was one trait Rosalind could remember clearly about Dumbledore from her childhood, it was the way he would keep secrets

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If there was one trait Rosalind could remember clearly about Dumbledore from her childhood, it was the way he would keep secrets. She remembered how he would hide secrets from everyone, and no one would question about it.

He was Albus Dumbledore after all.

Albus Dumbledore had promised her he would never keep secrets from her, 'an open friendship' were the words he used to describe it. Obviously unknowing to the word's other connotations. He had tried for years to earn her trust; he always did his best to keep her as an ally.

"Stay safe." and with them leaving words Albus had left Grimmuald Place and the meeting had ended.

"Dinner will be ready in ten minutes." announced Molly Weasley, whipping her wand around in graceful movements. Many members had decided not to stay for dinner, Severus Snape had bolted out of the room the second the meeting had ended.

"Rosalind, Benjamin will you two be staying for dinner?" Arthur Weasley asked, eyes bouncing between the two expectantly.

Benjamin was too busy having a conversation with Remus Lupin, his arms waving around causing Remus to chuckle at his antics, to notice Arthur addressing him. Rosalind just stuttered and continued to scribble on her arms; she was not made aware they were expected to stay for dinner. Once again, Dumbledore was keeping secrets.

"Yes, they will be." Sirius Black answered on her behalf while staring at her face with a large, blinding smile.

"Molly, allow me to help you." Rosalind offered wanting to cut off Sirius' stare and the flutter it was causing in her stomach. Molly waved her off but she ignored her and lifted her wand, helping with the dinner.

"Did you go to Hogwarts, Rosalind? I don't recognise you." asked Bill Weasley, drawing everyone's attention to the ink covered girl.

The woman put her wand down and sat back in her seat, "No. Benjamin and I went to Dumstrang. We graduated seven years ago."

"Really?" Tonks asked with wide eyes, "You don't have an accent."

Rosalind was used to the accent confusion. Snape had wondered the same thing when they had been introduced but he had been a lot ruder about it then Tonks had. "I was born in Hungary but I live in England, so I guess the accent just faded- I'm not quite sure."

Sirius let out a bark of laughter at her awkwardness before inching closer to Rosalind. She remembered what Minerva had told her about Sirius in Hogwarts. He had been part of a group that labelled themselves the Marauders. Sirius was mischievous, she could tell by the twinkle in his grey eyes as he spoke or smirked. He also liked attention, that was obvious from the way he was staring at her, waiting for her to give him some attention.

"W-what would your parents say about all this?" at his confused look she explained herself more, not wanting to anger him, "having everyone in this house- muggleborns and everyone else."

"A lot. They'd say a lot." He replied with a grim expression, "None of it would be pleasant. I can assure you of that."

She nodded her head in agreement, sifting in her chair. "I understand. My family would have killed me." Her voice was soft as she looked into his eyes. Sirius looked at her waiting for an explanation. The Black family were known for being dark wizards, his cousins were the worst of the worst.

Especially Bellatrix Lestrange. She was a right nutter.

Rosalind's family had an even worse reputation then the Black's, they were the Grindelwald's. Gellert Grindelwald was the second darkest wizard in existence after Lord Voldemort. Her grandmother was a random Veela; Gellert had used her for one reason only- to carry on the bloodline. Her father Gellert Jr and Mother Persephone were just as evil, if not worse than Gellert Grindelwald. "My family aren't the best type of people." she replied, trying not to give anything away. Sirius and a lot of other people (except Benjamin, Snape, Alaster and Albus) didn't know the family she came from. Dumbledore had demanded she not tell anyone, so she listened to him.

"Dinner's ready!" Molly's voice stopped Sirius from asking anymore questions which Rosalind was thankful for. She was never good at keeping secrets.

"It looks wonderful, Molly." Remus complimented as everyone around the table piled their plates with the food, burgers, hot dogs and salad.

"This looks much better than the food at Dumstrang." Benjamin stated while taking a big bite of a hot dog.

"Definitely." Rosalind agreed with a mouthful of food. The ketchup from her hot dog drizzled down her chin causing Sirius to bark out another laugh at her and for her to flush as red as the tomato sauce down her chin.

"and you wonder why you don't have a boyfriend, Lind." Benjamin snorted

"I don't wonder why, I know why. My eating habits are the least of my worries." replied Rosalind, stabbing him in the thigh with her green pen, receiving a yelp from the man. Remus and Sirius watched the pair fondly. Sirius noticed they were comfortable together; they were playful like siblings, like himself and James were.

"Let me get it for you, Rose." Sirius picked up a tablecloth and lifted it towards her face. His hand tickled her face as he wiped off the sauce; Sirius couldn't help but look into her light, brown eyes. He stared at her, heart beating wildly but he ignored it and put the cloth back on the table.

When the eye-contact broke, Rosalind took a deep breath in to regulate her heartbeat.

The air smelt odd.

"The house has a Chizprufle infestation."

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