Doodles of Nagini

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December 18th 1995

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December 18th 1995.

Rosalind had been on a mission for the Order since the first day of December. She had spent the past 18 days suffering from a rollercoaster of emotions. One moment she was scared of an owl hooting too loud in the night and the next she was getting angry that her marshmallow wasn't burning in the correct way. It had been a stressful few weeks. But throughout this emotional turmoil there was always a deep ache in her chest from being away from Sirius for so long.

But then an urgent letter arrived at the small tent she was currently staying in from Albus Dumbledore.

Her anger over the marshmallow was replaced with worry for Arthur, who was on the brink between life and death as she read the letter. She waved her wand around hurriedly, packing up the tent and dirty laundry and putting it into her backpack. 

The previous few weeks had been a nightmare for Rosalind. She had never been a fan of the outside, especially camping, but in order to not raise suspicion from the Death Eaters she was tracking she had no other choice but to sleep on the ground.

But the stars were a very pretty sight. Sirius would of loved to of seen them.

Grimmauld Place was silent.

There was no laughing or reprimanding you would usually expect when the Weasley family were around. No, just pure silence, even Kreacher and Walburga were silent.

Rosalind tried to keep her footsteps as quiet as possible, not wanting to be the one to disturb the silence. She could only imagine the dirty looks she would receive if she was to make a loud noise at such a distressing time.

Ginny Weasley was fighting to keep her eyes open. Fred and George had dozed off while sat in very uncomfortable positions, their necks were definitely going to hurt in the morning, and Ron had his face in the palms of his hands looking extremely pale. Harry Potter looked equally close to tears and highly uncomfortable. Sirius looked ready for a drink, or a few.

"Hello" She whispered, then sighed when no one appeared to have heard her. "Sirius?"

"Rose?" Sirius, looking completely out of the loop, questioned confusedly. He looked side to side before his grey eyes landed on her dishevelled figure. He offered her a wide smile which seemed out of place in such a silent room. Even this small interaction made her unbelievable happy. He motioned for her to move towards the kitchen with his hand as he let his eyes worryingly move over the Weasley children and his Godson.

Being un-showered and wearing two week old waterproof clothes were not part of the perfect reunion she had been imagining the past few weeks but Sirius didn't seem to care as he hugged her body tightly to his own.

"Merlin I missed you." He whispered into her hair lovingly before he let out a breathy chuckle.

Rose pulled back from the embrace, an amused but questioning look on her face. "What is it?"

He didn't answer her verbally instead he gave her the answer by pulling out a twig from her loose ponytail.

"Well that's mortifying."

"Personally I find it adorable." Sirius smirked , his hands pulling her hair out of the ponytail before redoing it for her, making sure to pull the bobble extra tight so no stray hairs managed to escape.

"The fumes from my clothes must have melted your brain."

"You don't smell that bad." He exclaimed, kissing her forehead before quickly pulling back. "Only slightly repulsive."

"I'm going to decide to ignore that statement for your own good." She laughed quietly, unable to stop the happy feeling spreading in her heart, before becoming serious again. "Any news on Arthur?"

"Not yet, love." He pointed towards the living room were the Weasley's and Harry were resting. "If we don't find out anything in the next few hours then were going to have a revolution on our hands."

"Scared of a few children, Sirius?"

"Yes." He replied, serious look on his features before it was replaced with a soft smile. "But I would lay my life down for you, even against an army of ginger children."

"That may be the most romantic thing you have ever said to me."

"I could show you something even more romantic." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, moving his lips to graze her own before pulling back. "But you need a shower first."

"Wow okay."

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