Doodles of Grimmuald Place

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Rosalind blinked as the house came into view, shaking the other houses surrounding it

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Rosalind blinked as the house came into view, shaking the other houses surrounding it. She saw the number twelve on the front door. Sirius and the other members of the Order had already been there for the last weekend, making the house inhabitable.

"It's a shit hole," Benjamin stated as he scrunched up his nose in obvious disgust, "Dumbledore's officially mad, wanting us to live in that thing."

Rosalind didn't actually think it was that bad, it wasn't the worse place she would have lived during her life. "It's not that bad and don't mention Dumbledore again - he can probably hear you."

"He can't hear me!" Benjamin huffed, "He can't hear me can he, Lind?"

Rosalind didn't reply, choosing instead to walk into the house and get the awkward introductions out of the way. "C'mon Ben," Rosalind called out as she put her hand on the door know. "I've already met Sirius and Remus so there's only about twenty other people to meet."

All Benjamin replied with was an angry mutter of "wonderful" before following Rosalind into the house.

The interior was darker than the exterior.

"This house could use an exorcism." Rosalind whispered to Benjamin, earning a chuckle from the tall man. She had been warned by Dumbledore about the portrait, Benjamin however, had not gotten the message.

"Ewww!" He screeched, waking up the sleeping portrait. The curtains whipped open and the woman's screaming joined Benjamin's, she was like a banshee. It was about ten seconds later when all hell broke loose in the narrow hallway. Two men and a woman all raced into the hallway and attempted to close the curtains.

"Stop that infernal screaming, did you want to wake the painting?" sounded the sleepy and angry voice of Sirius Black as he stared at the ground, panting from the excursion of closing the curtains.

"I-I. What?" Benjamin stuttered, still in shock from what had occurred seconds earlier.

"Ignore Sirius' rude form of greeting. I'm Remus Lupin, pleasure to meet you." Introduced Remus, holding out his hand for Benjamin to shake causing a small blush to appear on Benjamin's face.

"Benjamin Johnson."

Remus nodded with a kind smile before turning his attention to Rosalind, "Hello again, Rosalind." At the sound of her name, Sirius' head snapped up to look at the woman. Most of his face was hidden behind dark, tangled hair, the scowl that was previously on his face had been replaced with a small smirk as he looked at the woman.

"How are you, Sirius?" Rosalind hesitantly asked, not wanting to set of the mans anger again. She figured being back in his childhood home was setting off bad memories, the least she could do was to try to cheer him up, even in her own awkward way.

Sirius blinked, like he was shocked she had been the one to initiate the conversation. A genuine smile appeared on his face and Rosalind tried to ignore how much younger it made him look. "I'm hanging in there, love. How had you day been so far?"

"Fine" Rosalind squeaked.

An awkward silence overtook the four adults as no one made a move to fill the silence. When Rosalind moved her hand to her coat pocket for her pens, Benjamin shook his head at her movements. The man didn't even attempt to hide his exasperation at the girl and her scribbling, which didn't shock Rosalind in the slightest. He had always hated her doodling. The four made their way to a room with a large, wooden table in the middle of it- the meeting room.

"Wotcha" a pink-haired witch jumped in front of Rosalind with a large smile on her face, "I'm Tonks."

"Benjamin Johnson."


"Rosalind?" a low, gruff voice repeated from behind her. She turned around to see Alaster Moody, his magical eye trained on her face.

"Alaster" Rosalind nodded back with a nervous smile on her face. 

Alaster wasn't her biggest fan.

"Alaster? As in Mad-Eye Moody? The auror?" Benjamin asked, eyes wide with excitement.

"Mad? No madder than your companion." Alaster said as he limped across the room. He sat down at one of the chairs, magical eye still not leaving the woman's face.

"I'm not mad" She whispered to the adults surrounding her, a blush forming on the apples on her face.

"Don't worry the best of us are." Sirius winked, "The meeting is going to start soon. I was bwtting it would be Tonks to set off the shrew, but I was wrong."

Nymphadora Tonks slapped his arm before going to sit next to Bill Weasley, which Molly Weasley seemed to appreciate from the pleased smile that appeared on her face.

Rosalind sputtered loudly, embarrassed by the attention Sirius had been giving her. Sirius seemed to appreciate her reaction from the satisfied smirk on his face as he stared at the blushing woman. Remus nodded at the duo to take a seat at the table which Benjamin and Rosalind did. Sirius promptly took the free chair next to her while Remus sighed tiredly, sitting next to Benjamin, once again again causing the man to blush despite the engagement ring on his finger.

"I can't believe I forgot my red pen." Rosalind scoffed while leaning back on the chair. "The red pen is the third one I pack when I leave the apartment."

"How could you forget the red pen? The audacity!" Benjamin laughed at her, "You always put it in your pocket after the blue and black." He seemed more relaxed then she was, probably due to his flowing conversation with the werewolf on his right.

Rosalind shrugged, "I was busy attempting to memorize this places address."

"It was like seven words."

"Seven long words." Rosalind said to Benjamin while huffing in annoyance.

Sirius was staring at her, his grey eyes boring into the side of her face. Rosalind flushed again, she was not used to being looked at this much, especially from a man that wasn't Benjamin or Dumbledore. She was beginning to wonder whether Sirius enjoyed making her uncomfortable- if so, it was working very well.

"What do you need the red pen for?" Sirius asked in interest, leaning forward onto the table, and balancing his head on his hand.

"I'll sound mad"

"No offence, love, but you already look mad. Might as well sound it."

Rosalind would have been offended by Sirius' playful remark but it was true. Every experience Rosalind has had in Sirius' company had been awfully embarrassing. The first time was in the Medical Wing when she had smudged ink on her arms and played a game of hangman with herself.

She had somehow lost.

The second time was at Remus' cottage when her pens had fallen out of her coat pocket and she had scrambled around on all fours to pick them up.

The third time was right now as she tried to explain her doodling obsession without having to go into her childhood, which Dumbledore had banned her from doing.

"What? Why? Well I just-"

"Breathe Rose." said Sirius with his grey eyes and his hand on her shoulder, comforting her.

No one had ever called her Rose before. She had received nicknames from Benjamin, but he had just called her 'Lind' or a 'fucking idiot', never Rose. Somehow, when Sirius called her Rose it had both calmed her stuttering and made her heartbeat widely at the same time. It was odd. 

"I just have different pens for different things. I doodle when I'm uncomfortable or upset. It just soothes me." she rolled up her sleeves, giving Sirius a view of her pale skin covered in smudge marks, muddled words and inappropriate drawings.

"I was correct." stated Sirius

"About what?"

"You are insane."

Before Rosalind could get offended Sirius carried on speaking.

"But that's what I find intriguing about you, Rose."

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