Doodles of Departures to Hogwarts

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Harry was gone, along with the other Hogwarts students residing in Grimmauld Place

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Harry was gone, along with the other Hogwarts students residing in Grimmauld Place.

"Look who had decided to grace us with her attendance."

Rosalind ignored Sirius' statement and sat down next to him at the table in the Dinning room. The Order members who escorted the kids had returned only a few minutes ago, most shooting glares at Sirius who promptly ignored them, choosing instead to tease Rosalind.

It seemed to be his favourite pass time recently.

Rosalind missed the pointed look Remus sent Sirius as she sat down. But she did notice the slight blush on Sirius' face when she turned to look at him.

What had made him blush? Who was the person causing him to get so flustered? Maybe one of the newer members had spiked his interest. Perhaps Emmeline Vance had been the one to cause the usually confident man to flush bright red. A feeling very similar to jealously came over her but she ignored it. It's not like he was making a move on Emmeline, unless he was.

Oh God, was he?

"Was I what?"

Rosalind let out a small squeak at the voice directly next to her ear, nearly toppling over in her chair if it wasn't for the hands that quickly steadied her chair. "Shitting hell! Don't do that again."

"Sorry." He chuckled. The look in his eyes let her know that he wasn't apologetic in the slightest, in fact he seemed to have enjoyed her clumsy moment. "But in my defence you asked me a question."

"It doesn't matter." Rosalind wasn't blunt enough to ask him about his feelings for a potential new Order member. Even if she was that blunt, she wasn't keen on speaking to him that subject. Especially after their almost kiss the other night at the prefect party, neither of them had spoken about the kiss, actually Sirius seemed to have forgotten about it completely.

"Alrighty then." He said through a wide smile. "You think Dumbles is gonna tell my innocent self off?"

Rosalind scoffed. "You're the least innocent person I know and Ben is my best friend, so that's saying something. And I doubt he'll say anything about it."

"Why do you doubt it? Everyone else seems to think I'm in for a time-out next meeting."

"Well, everyone else barley knows the man, their gossiping about something they know nothing about."

"You're very protective over him." said Sirius, "Need to tell me anything?"

She slapped his arm lightly while shushing him. "Certain people in this room are looking for drama, especially Emmeline Vance."

"Jealous?" Sirius asked, lifting a brow at the frustrated look on her face.

"No, not at all. Don't be deluded."

Sirius just hummed as his eyes scanned the room in search for Emmeline Vance in an attempt to figure out what she had done to anger the normally peaceful Rosalind. He spotted her and an unknown lady whispering in the corner, sending not-so-secretive looks at him and Bill Weasley.


"Anyway." She said to gain his attention when she noticed his attention on the women who was the cause of her recent jealously. Merlin, she was going crazy over a man. But he wasn't just any man, he was Sirius Black and he was making her turn very protective over someone that wasn't even hers. "Albus has a lot to do. He has too much to worry about then you leaving to escort your own Godson to a train station in your fluffy form."

There was a slight silence as the duo watched the people around the room. Sirius was watching Emmeline in an attempt to discover what she was whispering about that involved him and Bill. While Rosalind was watching Sirius gaze at Emmeline. She knew it, it was official, Sirius loved her, was most likely going to have sex with her and have a family once the war ends.

Rosalind was either completely correct in her train of thought or extremely jealous over nothing. Both had an equal chance of being the truth.

"So, since you are so wise, my dear Rose, what do you think those two are prattling on about?"

"Emmeline and that other women?" She could feel an uncomfortable lump in her throat as she spoke.

"The very same ones."

"How would I know what their talking about? I don't have super hearing." Rosalind just wanted to stop the conversation before anything was revealed that she didn't want to hear about. But at his unimpressed look she pushed down her jealously and humoured him. "Did you do anything for them to be speaking about you?"

"Besides being in Askaban for twelve years?"


"Besides being the most wanted man in the Wizarding World?"

"Show off and yes."

"Then no."  He replied, leaning his forward in a weak attempt to hear the women's conversation. "I don't have a bloody clue."

"Maybe Emmeline fancies you."

"Maybe." Sirius agreed after a few moments of uncomfortable silence, before turning away from the women and fully towards Rosalind. "Never mind then."

"What happened to all that interest in the gossiping women?"

Sirius let out a small chuckle. "Maybe it went on holiday."

Rosalind joined in on his laughter despite being confused about his quickly changing interest in the women. "Remind it to take suncream."

"Let's hope it doesn't rain."

"That reminds me, I'm gonna pack it an umbrella."

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