Doodles of an Obscurus

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Snape and Sirius were arguing again

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Snape and Sirius were arguing again.

Since Dumbledore announced that Snape would be giving Harry occlumency lessons, the room had become a war zone. However, Sirius was angrier then anyone else due to his history and distrust for the old Death Eater.

It was the reason that all sense of sanity had flew out of the window.

"I am not going to be torturing the boy, Black." hissed Snape, eyes full of anger.

"I highly doubt that, Snivellus." said Sirius with the same anger in his eyes, hand gripping his wand tightly.

Rosalind could feel her veins burning and her rib-cage rattling as the situation grew more and more tense by the second. She wondered when Dumbledore was going to step in and stop the argument but he seemed content just silently watching. Albus' eyes would flicker towards Rosalind every few seconds as if he knew the darkness was begging to be let out.

It almost seemed as if he wanted that to happen.

"Sirius, calm down." Remus stood up in his chair attempting to get Sirius out of the meeting room to calm down.

Benjamin placed his hand on Remus' shoulder and guided him away from the two men who both had their wands in their hands. "I wouldn't get involved if I were you."

Rosalind could feel her body shaking harshly, hands gripping the edge of the table. Her doodling was long forgotten, even though it was one of her best works- the boogey man. The only person to notice her pained state was Molly Weasley as she rushed around the table towards the woman. "Rosalind, dear, what's wro-"

Molly was cut off by the shouting getting louder  and louder as the two men's wands were suddenly drawn and pointed at each other.

The shouting was ringing in her ears, it was the only thing she could hear and the anger radiating off the men was the only thing she could feel.

"You mistrust me, Black." spat Snape, "Let me show you what spell I'll be using on Potter then." He raised his wand at Sirius and bellowed "Legilimens!"

"Protego!" Sirius replied quickly, flicking his wand so that the spell ricocheted off the shield and straight towards the shaking woman.

The shouts of anger were replaced with shrieks of pain as Severus entered Rosalind's mind, accidently releasing the thing that she keeps locked away.

The Obscurus.

With one last shrill scream that rivalled Wallburga Black's, the woman's eyes rolled back into her head and were replaced with a pure black colour as her body expanded into the figure of dark magic. Once the obscurus was released there was no controlling it; it whipped around the small meeting room, destroying everything in its path.

Most of the order members apparated away in fear while others were paralysed in shock. The once innocent, albeit mad-looking woman had now become a monster of wizarding children's nightmares.

Sirius, who had been rushing towards her when the spell first hit her, was stood frozen in place as he stared at the large figure of dark magic.

Mad-Eye raised his wand at the obscurus but was tackled to the ground by Benjamin, letting out a pained grunt as he hit the wooden floor.

"Lind?" Benjamin called out softly as he stood up, "Rosalind." Benjamin held out his hand as a sign of peace, as though speaking to a wild animal, which he sort of was.

The obscurus paused its movement at the voice, it sounded familiar but in her hazy and blurry mind she couldn't pin-point who was speaking.

"Rosalind. It's me, Benjamin Johnson."

The obscurus started to calm down and decrease in size until Mad-Eye had shot a spell at her from his place on the floor. There was a moment of eerie silence before the real destruction began.

Benjamin was slammed into a wall, glass shards lodging themselves into his back, Remus began to run to his aid but he too was slammed into a different wall. Jumping over the table, Sirius had grabbed his wand and pointed it at the obscurus as he became its new target but he hesitated in his attack and was thrown onto the table, his groan of pain stopping the obscurus again.

Dumbledore just stood still, watching the scene unfold for a little while. But he became interested when he saw it hesitate in killing Sirius, as though it recognised him. "Rosalind Persephone Grindelwald!" The obscurus immediately decreased in size at the sound of Dumbledore's voice.

Rosalind stood panting as she looked at the destruction she had caused. Benjamin was crumpled on the floor in a pool of his own blood with Remus next to him healing his wounds. Molly Weasley was completely pale as she shook in her husbands embrace. Nymphadora was lying on floor next to Mad-Eye as he glared at her. The room was unrecognisable, blood splattered on the wall and the furniture in pieces.

Rosalind was too scared to look at Sirius, to see the hatred in his eyes so she didn't even look in his direction.

"Monster!" one of the members sneered at her, some of the other members repeating his words. They looked ready to burn her at the stake and publicly shame her.

Every word of hatred had Rosalind recoiling in on herself which Sirius seemed to notice. He shakily stood up, pushing aside his own fear and shock, and put his bloodied hand on the woman's shoulder. She flinched away from his soft touch and limped a few steps away from him. She wanted to be away from him; if she was too close to him she would hurt him even more then she had today.

"Rose," he whispered, eyes trailing up and down her body in an attempt to make himself believe that this woman had just become a creature of dark magic, "you're injured."

Rosalind's head whipped around to make eye-contact with him, his eyes were pleading for her to let him help her and for her to stay with him.

But all she could focus on was the death and destruction that follows her around.

So, she ignored his pleas and apparated away.

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