Doodles of The Burrow

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"Do you remember that time during an order meeting when you fell off you chair and and face planted the floor?"

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"Do you remember that time during an order meeting when you fell off you chair and and face planted the floor?"

"Which time?"

Sirius grinned, feeding his daughter her bottle. "The fourth time."

"That time hurt the most." Rosalind scrunched up her nose at the memory. Severus has been particularly insolent that meeting, so maybe she had accidentally purposely thrown herself onto the floor to get out hearing the rest of his speech, but it was a needed sacrifice to escape the torture awaiting her. Rosalind was not one to make a scene, but a desperate Rosalind was always prepared to do so. "It was worth it."

"You broke your nose."

"Which was easily fixed with magic."

"That's when I fell in love with you," Sirius smiled, "any girl willing to break a bone to avoid Snape is the girl for me."

Rosalind rolled her eyes as she wrapped one of Harry's Christmas presents, personally she couldn't remember the exact moment she fell in love with Sirius. The feeling of love didn't hit her in a tidal wave of emotions like in the muggle movies, it just gradually took over her every being until it consumed her, every conversation and look between them aided it, and that was how she had always remembered it.

She was just about to say something again when a knock sounded at the door, Sirius standing up to answer it before Rosalind could even hide the presents she had been wrapping.

"Harry does know he doesn't have to knock, doesn't he?"

"It's only been seven months of living here," Sirius responded, hand reaching to the handle with a smirk on his face. "of course he hasn't realised that yet."

It isn't the first time this had happened. In fact, any time Harry left the cottage in the Summer holidays he would never use his key to open the door, he always knocked no matter how many times the couple had told him it is his house as much as theirs. 

"Harry!" Sirius shouted, happiness evident in his tone as he hugged his Godson, a bit too tightly from the boys reaction. 

On cue, Harry's face turned bright red and he gasped for breath, "Sirius."

Rosalind laughed, standing up and greeting the boy herself, "Merry Christmas Harry, how was Slughorn's party?"

"Riveting" The boy unsurprisingly sarcastically responded

"As expected, that's why I never went to any of them"

"Oh yes Sirius, you not attending the prestigious club for well-behaved students was entirely your own choice." 

Harry seemed to of cheered up at her sarcastic response and his Godfather's sulking and asked excitedly, "Where's KitKat?"


The Burrow was, as expected, a scene of carnage and chaos when the family arrived to celebrate Christmas. 

Five minutes into their visit Ron had thrown a sprouts knife at one of the twins.

"Who's Fleur?" Rosalind whispered to Harry as she spectated Ginny angrily rant to her brothers about sharing a room with the woman for the night.

"She was a tri-wizard years ago, Bill's dating her and Ron stares at her. That's all you need to know really."

"So the same way you stare at Ginny?" Rosalind doesn't think she had ever seen somebody turn as red as quickly before, "I know everything Potter, everything."

Harry smirked, eerily similarly to his Godfather "Apparently not everything since Sirius is currently dressing Kat as an actual cat," 

"Oh for the love of Merlin's balls."

Despite Rosalind herself having banned Sirius from dressing their daughter up as a cat, even she couldn't deny how absolutely adorable she looked, with all other occupants in the house agreeing as they cooed at the giggling baby. 

But when he loudly nicknamed her 'Mcgonagall's puss' she swiftly put an end to the fun and very nearly almost threw a chair at the laughing man.

Fred, George, Harry and Ron were acting thoroughly suspicious as the night went on, giggling like school children and staring at the angel on top of the tree, which suspiciously didn't even look remotely like an angel, and more like a garden gnome dressed as an angel. 

The Christmas singer Celestina Warbeck's voice was being broadcasted to the whole household, which some, especially Molly Weasley, were smiling happily to whilst others, particularly Fleur, were less impressed with the song choice.

It seemed that even the war between Lord Voldemort and Harry Potter lacked the animosity that the war between Molly Weasley and Fleur Delacour had.

Fred and George were horrifically losing a game of Exploding Snap to Ginny, who Harry was still (not so much) covertly staring at whereas Remus was sat beside the fire, staring into it as he likely waited for Benjamin to arrive.

Benjamin and Remus were both at odds with each other at the minute, Remus arguing that Benjamin was "too young and had opportunities for better", and Benjamin, a man who lacked any life preservation but was brimming with love for the werewolf, told him to very lovingly "shut up".

At the present time, they were at a standoff on how to move forward, which was evident in Remus' disappointment when Benjamin failed to arrive at the Burrow that night, though he tried to hide it as he conversed with Arthur and Harry.


The household stared at Ron as he stood in front of them, the boy staring straight back defensively as he tried to hide the dangling chain from sight.

'My Sweetheart' plastered on a chain was not a gift Rosalind ever wanted to receive from Sirius, but apparently Lavender Brown had differing opinions then any other human in existence.



"That's just embarrassing." Ginny Weasley bluntly spoke, the twins laughing in reply, to which Ron very quickly took the necklace off and stuffed it into his pocket.

The burrow's friendly atmosphere (apart from Molly and Fleur) was growing on Katrina, and so Rosalind had spent the last hour or so grabbing all the colourful and magical objects she could get her hands on, attempting to keep the baby from crying as the family ate Christmas dinner. 

All efforts were squashed when Molly set the carrots down with unnecessary force, "I invited dear Tonks to come along today but she is spending the day with her family, as is Benjamin. Have you spoken to him lately, Remus?"

Rosalind very much almost audibly cheered the woman on and hailed her as a God but was stopped by Katrina's wobbly lips and watering eyes. "Oh please, no." She whispered, narrowing her eyes at her daughter, "We're meant to be a team," her face grew redder and redder, "I'll let daddy dress you as a cat."

Katrina was instantly giggling again.

"You are your father's daughter," Rosalind whispered as Sirius turned his head, smiling at the duo, "traitor."



And just when Rosalind didn't think the night could grown any more tense, she stood corrected once again. 

But by the screams from Molly Weasley that night, Rosalind's suspicions about the angel on top of tree were confirmed, it was indeed a devious garden gnome kidnapped and stuffed into a tutu on top of tree .

Fred had claimed it to be retribution for his wounded ankle after it had bitten him.

Molly just continued to scream.

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