Doodles of Illness

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A/N - THIS IS QUITE A HEAVY CHAPTER, I KNOW THE BOOK IS USUALLY NOT ANGST FILLED BUT SOMETIMES I CANT HELP MYSELF. Major trigger warning, don't read if you are under 18 or effected by triggering topics. Sorry for the long wait. Keep safe. ENJOY :)

Rosalind's head was in a toilet bowl

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Rosalind's head was in a toilet bowl.

Her stomach was uneasy, palms sweaty as they grasped onto the sides of the toilet bowl as she emptied her stomach into it.

"You alright?" Benjamin's voice called out, concern laced in his tone, but Rosalind was too busy throwing up to reply. At her lack of reply, Benjamin took to knocking on the door, progressively getting louder, matching the disgusting sounds of her sickness. "Let me in or I'm going to start singing and we are both that will just make you sicker."

As he promised, Benjamin loudly started to sing in a high-pitched voice. (Rosalind, despite being currently busy, was quite impressed by how high he had managed to get his voice).

Once the door was opened, Benjamin's eyes widened as he took in the sight of the woman. She looked about ready to join the dead, pale and sweaty skin matched with blood-shot eyes.

Benjamin, in a completely undramatic exclamation, stated that he would forever have nightmares from the sight, to which Rosalind replied with a shaky middle finger straight in the man's face.

"I think I'm pregnant."

"No shit." The man snorted, before he crouched down, tangling his long legs in an uncomfortable position in order to wipe the sick and sweat off her face with a wet cloth. "Sweetie, what's wrong?"

Dinner was almost over, the time seemed to go much quicker then Rosalind would of preferred. This meant that Sirius would soon be returning to their bedroom in search of the woman who had been in the bathroom for the past two hours. She had tried to keep her sickness quiet the past few days, but today it seemed to have doubled in severity.

"I'm not ready for children." She admitted, eyes stinging with unshed tears. "I can't be pregnant. I-I just can't be."

The next twenty minutes felt more like two, but maybe that was due to her rapid heartbeat or banging headache making her more delusional then she normally was. The headache got worse and brain more fuzzy as she thought about the possibility of her being pregnant.

Rosalind wasn't ignorant, she knew the symptoms of pregnancy; skipped periods, morning sickness and cramping. All of which Rosalind was experiencing. Maybe it was all one huge coincidence and she just had the flu, or maybe she was pregnant and just in denial.

She didn't know if Sirius wanted children, they had never discussed the possibility as it was such a far-fetched idea at this moment in time. But here she was, sitting on the bathroom floor, heart dropping at his possible future reaction and the dooming possibility that could be growing inside of her at this very second.

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