Chapter 32: Waiting

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Hermione had been alone in the house for a full week. She had tried everything she could think of to leave. Disapparating didn't work here. She imagined it must be similar to Hogwarts. She had scoured the house for books, and had been happily surprised to find a whole library. That's what she had occupied most of her time with... but that didn't negate the ever present loneliness that crept in on her constantly.

She often found herself unable to sleep, laying awake in bed, keeping alert for any sound that Draco had come back.

He had left her with everything she needed to survive. She had food, she had shelter, some entertainment, and a whole wardrobe of clothing. She still had no wand, and would often break down in fits of sadness, sometimes anger, longing for magic. She missed magic more than she thought she ever could.

She often would tug absentmindedly at the collar around her neck. No matter what she did, it didn't budge. This was very strong magic.

Strangely, the longer Draco was gone, the more she found herself thinking of him. Even though he had tormented her, her mind kept coming back to those soft and tender moments... and even missing some of the... depraved things he did to her. She wasn't sure why. It didn't make any sense. But why did she find herself blushing and becoming aroused when she thought of his rough hands on her bottom making her sore? Why did she find herself staring out the window, missing him, wondering if he would ever come back?

The days dragged on.

Weeks passed.

Hermione tried to think of Ron, tried to allow herself the space to miss him... but every time she tried to think of him, her thoughts quickly drifted to Draco. When she thought of Ron, she felt a familiarity that was slightly comforting... but when she thought of Draco, her heart raced, she blushed, and she felt almost as if she were floating. It was such an intense physical reaction to thinking of another person. It was a feeling she had never experienced. She wondered, but quickly dismissed the idea... there was no way it was love.

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