Chapter 18: Flight

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Authors Note: Thank you so much to all of my readers! To be quite honest with you, I never expected anyone to read this or take much interest in it. I was incredibly surprised when I checked Wattpad to see all of your comments asking me to update! It means a lot to me that people are enjoying the story. I'll do my best to keep updating regularly... and thanks for reading :)


Hermione gasped at what she was seeing.

Standing outside of the Malfoy Manor was a winged Abraxan horse, to which was attached a magnificent carriage. The carriage was a gorgeous pearlescent white, adorned with small orbs of light that trailed along the gold embellishments.

Draco paused, looking down at Hermione as though trying to gauge her reaction.

"Well?" He asked.

"It's..." Hermione stammered. "It's beautiful. Where in the world did you get an Abraxan horse?" She asked, taken aback.

"Does it matter where?" Draco asked. "All that matters is that when I want something, I get it."

Hermione couldn't help but be impressed and annoyed at Draco's arrogance at the same time. She found his cockiness to be annoying and yet... she found a part of her admiring the way he seemed to navigate his life in such an assertive and dominant way.

Draco led Hermione to the carriage, giving a nonchalant flick of his wand to open the carriage door, and gently helping her inside.

Hermione was torn between feeling like a prisoner and a princess. The inside of the carriage was possibly the most luxurious thing she had ever sat inside of. It was roomier on the inside than it looked, but still cozy enough that she and Draco were sitting close together. Hermione allowed herself to sink into the plush velvet curtains.

"Where are we going?" Hermione asked cautiously.

"It's a surprise," Draco said with a smirk. 

The Abraxan took off toward the sky, and the carriage soared with it. Hermione watched the Malfoy Manor shrink and disappear as they rose high above the moonlit clouds. 

Draco put his arm over Hermione's shoulders, pulling her in close to him. Hermione didn't resist - she knew all too well what a mistake that would turn into. 

It occurred to Hermione that this was the first time since she had been captured that she had  been with Draco anywhere but inside that bedroom she had been held in. This felt refreshing - invigorating even. She hated that she felt that way. She wanted to hate every second with him... but sitting there in the enchanted carriage, pressed up against each other in the moonlight, she couldn't help but feel the guilt of happiness. Hermione wondered what her friends would think of this image - of her and Draco dressed up for a date, cozily pressed together while soaring above the clouds. 

Hermione wondered where they were going. She thought she should be afraid... but she wasn't. She had a strange sense of trust that Draco genuinely wanted her to have a good time. It almost made her sick, the thought that she had any trust in this man who had kidnapped and abused her. 

"I think you'll enjoy this," Draco said, his voice sounding upbeat.

"Enjoy what, exactly?" Hermione asked timidly.

Draco didn't say anything, and let Hermione's question hang in the air.

"I hope you meant it," he said softly, a frown forming on his face.

"Meant what?" Hermione asked.

There was a long pause before Draco said, "the kiss."

Now it was Hermione's turn to let the words hang in the air. She had to think about how she was going to respond... but then without thinking she blurted it out.

"I meant it," she said, turning to look up into Draco's eyes. 

"Prove it then," he said.

Hermione was taken aback by this, but she knew she should have expected it... Prove it? She realized at once that he wanted her to kiss her again and...

She stopped thinking completely. Before she could stop herself or think about what she was doing, she had leaned her head up, her lips meeting Draco's. She reached her arms around his neck. 

Draco grabbed her by the waist and hoisted her onto his lap, so that she was straddling him with her legs on either side of him. She pulled him closer to her, running her hands through his soft blonde hair. 

Draco kept one hand on Hermione's back, a firm but not rough grip on her. He brought a hand up to her chin, and pulled her in closer to him, kissing her with a passion that Hermione had never thought possible. 

Breathless, Hermione pulled away slowly to gaze into Draco's eyes. They looked at her with a tenderness that she didn't think possible from him. 

"Did I prove it to you?" She panted.

"Hmmm," Draco pretended as though he were thinking hard. "I think you did alright," he grinned. "But there's a problem."

Hermione's stomach dropped. She braced herself for what was to come, fearing the worst.

"Now," Draco said, "I can't stop thinking about what else I want to do with you."

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