Chapter 5: Isolation

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Draco took his time before returning to the cellar. He bathed and changed his clothes. Then he decided to cook a meal, by hand, without magic - a lasagna with a side of steamed vegetables. He was trying to kill time, and make Hermione wait as long as possible. It was difficult for him. He didn't want to be away from her, but he knew that he had to break her down so that she would be obedient to him. He wanted to be the object of her desire. He wanted to make himself her obsession. He knew it could be done, if only he did everything just right. He couldn't let his emotions overtake him. He had to be calm and controlled. His actions had to have purpose. 

Draco had certain... perversions. He knew they weren't normal. They were kinky. He wanted to be in control. He didn't simply want a shared love with Hermione. He wanted to own her. He wanted to be her master. He wanted to enslave her... and he wanted to do it with as little magic as possible. However, he knew he would use some magic to aid him. 

He took a deep breath as he finished setting the table for two. He knew he was about to embark upon a journey that could take some time. It could take years. He hoped it wouldn't, but it was quite possible. 

It had been a few hours since he had left Hermione in the cellar. He knew that her perception of time would be horribly skewed - she probably had no idea how much time had passed. It would feel a lot slower than it actually was. Draco smiled. He felt a jolt of arousal as he thought of Hermione bound, gagged, naked, and waiting for him down in his cellar. He leaned his hand over a chair and took a few deep breaths, trying to keep himself under control. 

He decided to find something for her to wear. Mostly so that he could better stay in control of himself... and it was good to show her some kindness here and there. Those little bits of kindness would be crucial to her training. Yes, that was it. He was training her. Training her to be his pet. To be his slave. To love him. To crave him. 

He had prepared for this in advance as well. He never thought he would enjoy shopping for women's clothing (seeing her in his mothers clothing was just too weird), but it had actually been quite enjoyable to pick out clothes for Hermione. He envisioned her wearing them, and he went a bit crazy. He had modified the walk in closet of one of the bedrooms to quadruple in size to make space for all of the clothes, shoes, jewelry and other things that he had bought for her. He began to think of her as his doll to dress up as he pleased. 

He picked out a light blue lacey push up bra with a matching thong, as well as a little blue babydoll dress. He added some sheer stockings and silver heels. He carefully put these things in a velvet bag and brought them downstairs.

Draco stood in front of the cellar door for a few minutes, listening. He heard nothing. For the first hour or so, he had heard Hermione kicking about and trying to yell through the ribbon in her mouth. He had stopped a few times to smile and feel his heart swell, listening to her. He wondered if he felt love for her, or if it was something more - something deeper. The need to possess her was so strong. It had been building for so many years, little by little... Sometimes he thought he did hate her. Sometimes he thought he wanted to be sweet to her... but mostly, he wanted her obedience. He wanted her respect, and her acknowledgement that she was born to serve him. He knew that she was nowhere near that place... but he would do all he could to get her there. He had read of slave training in a BDSM sense before. Muggles especially liked to write books on the topic. He had devoured these, and mostly ignored the parts about consent. He knew what was best. She was going to have to come around. She would. She definitely would. 

He slowly opened the cellar door. A squirming Hermione was squeezing her eyes shut at the light, muffled noises coming from behind the ribbon. He stood there, taking her in. He walked inside, dropping the velvet bag near the entrance.

He walked closer.

She opened her wide eyes.

He very deliberately looked her up and down. He started by staring into her eyes, and slowly moving his head down. Taking in her face. Her shoulders. Her neck. Her chest. Her breasts. Her stomach.... and all the way down. He bent down a little to run a hand down one of her toned legs, which she jerked back a little, but then stopped, and let him run his hand there. 

"Good girl," Draco said, after she had let him touch her leg. 

At these words, he could see her gaze soften a bit. He could almost see what she was thinking - she was thinking that maybe if she was good, he would let her go. As if that would ever happen. She was never going anywhere.

"Do you want me to untie you?" Draco asked softly.

Hermione nodded her head up and down.

"If I untie you, do you promise to be good?"

Again, she nodded her head up and down.

"I'm going to start by allowing you to speak," Draco said. "And if I like what I hear, I'll unbind your wrists."

Draco walked behind Hermione, running his hand up from her ass, up her back, until both of his hands were on her neck. He slowly untied her, and let the black ribbon fall to the floor.

She said nothing.

He walked around so he was facing her again. 

"Would you like some clothes?" Draco asked.

"Yes, very much," Hermione replied, her voice choking up a bit.

"Will you behave?"

"Yes," she sighed.

"Do your arms hurt?"

"They hurt a lot," she whispered. "Please."

"If I untie you, you are to get dressed. Don't try to escape, or else I will have to punish you, do you understand?"

"Yes," she responded.

Draco walked to the doorway and retrieved the velvet bag. He was about to untie her and hand it over to her when, looking at her naked form, he couldn't help himself. He dropped the bag, and began to kiss her neck, moving his way down to her breasts. As he did, Hermione began to kick and yell. 

"Draco, stop it!" Hermione cried out, kicking wildly.

He firmly placed his hands on her legs, steadying them, and bit down hard on her nipple. She let out a loud cry of pain and continued to beg him to stop.

Draco stood up and looked Hermione in the eye. "I thought you agreed to behave," he said. 

"Draco, please," Hermione sobbed.

"I'll go easy on you right now. Don't worry, your punishment won't be too bad. He reached into the velvet bag and began pulling out the clothes and setting them at her feet. "You can have all of these clothes but," he smiled, "I'm leaving the panties out. You're going to have to earn the right to wear panties."

"You are sick," Hermione spat.

"Do you want clothes?"

"Yes," Hermione replied, putting her head down.

"And do you want me to untie you?"


"I want you to ask me nicely," Draco said, smugly.

"Please untie me and let me have clothes," Hermione whimpered.

"That's better," Draco said. 

He turned to stand in the doorway. With a wave of his wand, Hermione was untied. 

Yes, Draco (Dramione BDSM) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now