Chapter 17: Exit

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A date? Her mind raced as she turned her thoughts over, trying to think of what this could mean. Maybe this would give her a chance to escape! She took a few deep breaths trying to calm herself. She had to be careful. She had to think carefully.

Her hand went to the collar around her neck. She tugged at it a little, and as expected it stayed perfectly in place. She still didn't know the exact function of the collar, or what enchantments might be on it. But she knew that it must be strong magic.

She sat heavily on the bed. If she tried to escape or fight Draco, she had no idea what would happen because of the enchanted collar. And if she wasn't successful she could only shudder at what sick things he might do to her as way of punishment. Maybe if she was good it would be the first of many times outside the room?

Hermione paced around the room, her head full of thoughts, weighing possible plans.

She glanced out the window and realized the sun was about to set.

She hadn't gotten ready yet!

She rushed to the closet where she quickly picked out a black evening dress. It shimmered in the light of the now setting sun, lace peeking out from the fine satin. She wondered if maybe it was too much, but glancing at the dimming light outside, decided she didn't have much choice. She slipped on a pair of shimmering black heels that seemed to have real diamond embellishments.

She checked her makeup, which still looked okay. She added some red lipstick and lined her eyes with a soft black to give her a sultry smoked out look. She wasn't sure why, but she wanted to look... sexy. It was a look she had never tried for. She had always supported women who wanted to dress and look however they wanted to look, but never felt the need to make herself up like a doll. Until now. It was probably this absurd situation she had found herself in.

As she finished, as if on queue, Draco entered the room.

"You look ravishing, my pet," he said. He was looking at her with hunger in his eyes. Looking at her with greedy eyes and a lust that made Hermione go weak around the knees. She felt a mixture of fear and... something else. She could feel a warm fuzzy almost ticklish feeling rising up in her chest. Is this what they called butterflies? She thought that was just a myth but... no, there was no possible way that Draco Malfoy who had literally kidnapped her was giving her butterflies. No way. Out of the question.

Draco moved toward her with what seemed like a lot of restraint. The look in his eyes said that he wanted her badly, but his movements were calculated. 

Draco extended his hand to Hermione, a sly smile creeping around the edges of his mouth. 

Hermione gently reached her hand out and he wrapped his fingers around hers. 

Hermione felt her heart pounding as Draco led her out of the room that had  been her prison for so long. She could feel hope and happiness welling up in her chest, and she couldn't help but smile so large that a small giggle escaped her lips. Upon hearing her laughter Draco turned to her, and Hermione instantly gasped, wanting to take back the laughter. She looked up at Draco's face for his reaction, and she was surprised to see that he was smiling at her. 

"I am glad you are happy, pet," he beamed down at her.

Hermione could feel her face turning red.

Draco let out a small laugh, surprising Hermione. "You're pretty cute when you're embarrassed," he said.

Hermione didn't say anything in reply, only blushed harder, and found herself gripping Draco's hand harder than she had meant to. When she tried to release her grip a little, he gripped her hand hard in return. 

Draco led her down a dark hallway.  Moving portraits of dark looking witches and wizards seemed to glare disapprovingly at her as they walked.

They walked through the entirety of the mansion, until they were at the front door. 

"Now pet," Draco said, turning to Hermione. "Are you going to be a good girl on our date?"

"Yes," Hermione said quickly. "I'll be good."

"If you misbehave in any way, I'm going to have to take you home and punish you," he said in an voice that Hermione felt was very parental. 

"I won't misbehave," she said quietly, looking up at him. 

"And what will happen if you misbehave?" Draco asked.

"You will take me back here and punish me."

"Take you where?" He asked.

"Home. You'll take me home and punish me if I misbehave."

"I really do hope you don't misbehave, pet." Draco said. "I would like to have an enjoyable evening with you... and if you are tempted in any way to misbehave, the consequences will be severe."

"I understand," Hermione said.

"And by misbehaving I want it clear, that you are to not try to leave me. Ever. Do you understand?"

"Yes," Hermione gulped.

Draco smiled, and turned to open the front door.

Yes, Draco (Dramione BDSM) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now