Chapter 11: Tenderness

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Hermione lay in bed on her stomach. Her ass was so sore, it hurt to sit on. It hurt to move. It hurt to think about. She was still in shock at the violence she had received from Draco. What she couldn't wrap her head around, was what had happened at the end. How could she have thanked him for it? More than that, why did she feel so eager to do so? 

Her mind was consumed with thoughts of him. She lay in bed wondering if he was going to come into the room. It kept her up with anticipation. But he did not come. 

When Hermione woke in the morning, she was sorer than ever. The grand food cart was in the bedroom again. Again, she helped herself to a lovely breakfast, although she ate standing as she couldn't bear to sit.

Hermione went again to the closet, this time finding a blue sundress, and some matching blue pumps. 

She couldn't quite wrap her head around why she couldn't get Draco out of her mind. Of course she would think of him - she was his captive. 

Hermione waited.

And waited.

She watched the sun set outside the window, the sky turning to a mass of blackness and twinkling stars.

At long last, Hermione changed into a beige silk night dress and went to sleep.

She woke in the middle of the night, feeling something wrapped around her. Arms. There were arms gently wrapped around her, and the sound of light breathing. Draco was fast asleep, one arm draped around her waist, the other supporting her head. She turned her neck so she could see his sleeping face there. He looked quite harmless in the moonlight. 

Hermione wondered if she should try to sneak away while he was fast asleep - but then she remembered her punishment. She knew he would catch her and punish her worse than last time. So instead of fighting or resisting, she closed her eyes, and allowed herself to rest in her captors arms. 

She could feel every muscle in her body tense, as though she were trying to resist the light touch wrapped around her. And then she relaxed. She took a deep breath and allowed herself a guilty moment of comfort. She felt his arms tighten ever so slightly around her small body, and then the feeling of warm breath on her neck. She closed her eyes tight, afraid of what was coming. 

A kiss. She felt a soft kiss on the back of her head, and heard Draco whisper gently, "sleep well, my pet."

"Draco?" She whispered almost inaudibly. 

"Yes pet?" He said, kissing her head again.

"Why are you doing this?" It came out as a plea.

"Because you are mine now. The sooner you realize it, the easier it will be."

Hermione didn't know what to say. She didn't want to upset him with protests. So instead of fighting, she closed her eyes again and let herself feel comforted by the tender touch of her captor.

Yes, Draco (Dramione BDSM) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now