Chapter 27: Leashed

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Draco walked over to Hermione, and pressed his hand upon her sunburnt back.

"You didn't think you were getting away from me, did you?"

"Of course not," Hermione replied sheepishly.

"You're lying," he said. "You wanted to leave me."

"No Draco really, that's not it," Hermione pleaded.

"You were," he said shortly.

He waved his wand and her sunburns quickly disappeared. Hermione let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you," she said.

"Oh you will be thanking me," he grinned. "But first, your punishment."

Hermione froze. She knew this would be coming. She feared what he was thinking.

"I give you an island, pet. An island. And you don't thank me for my generosity. Instead, you try to escape and come back looking like a shabby peasant about to ask me if I can spare a sickle. Try harder to look good for me at least."

"Yes Draco," Hermione replied.

"Good girl. Now. What to do with you..." his voice trailed off and he began eyeing her hungrily.

Hermione began to back away, but Draco outstretched his arm and a leash extended from Hermione's collar. He grabbed it and smirked. 

"Since you're feeling so adventurous, perhaps I'll take you for a walk."

Hermione's jaw dropped. "Draco, you can't be serious," she said - although she knew he was.

Draco pulled the leash. Hard. She was abruptly pulled so close to him that her head was against his chest. Draco gently grabbed her hair, and then pulled it back, forcing her face to look up at him.

"If I want to take you on a walk, that's what we're going to do. If I want to take you to the bedroom and flog you, that's what we'll do. If I want to take you to the bed and fuck you like a whore, that's what we'll do. Understand that you are mine now. I make the rules. Little know-it-all Granger isn't in charge here - I am."

Hermione wanted to back away from him. She was trembling, but kept her gaze lifted, her eyes meeting his. She had hoped he would be different. She didn't know what she really had expected when she had run off down the beach - she should have been more suspicious. She wished desperately for her wand. If only she had magic.

Hermione let out a choked sob and brought her hands up to push against his chest. She could feel that he was all muscle and she hated herself for feeling even a moment of attraction to him when he was doing this to her. 

"P-please," she sobbed, pushing into his chest. He didn't budge.

"Oh, so you want to beg?" Draco smirked. "I don't need you to beg for me. Now. What I want is for you to be a good obedient girl for me. Now, is that really so hard to do?"

"N-no," Hermione whimpered. 

"No? No it's not so hard? Or are you really being so idiotic as to try to defy me? Think carefully before you answer, pet."

"No, it's not so hard," Hermione whispered, but moved her face to look up at him, giving him a defiant look to contrast her obedient reply.

"Good girl," Draco said, and gently stroked the top of her head. 

Hermione felt a warmth cascade down her body - a comforting warmth. Why did his gentle touch feel so unbelievably comforting? She felt herself craving more of this softness, this gentleness. She closed her eyes and nuzzled her head into his hand, allowing the most subtle smile to escape across her lips.

"I think my pet likes that," Draco smirked. "Do you like being pet and told you're a good girl?"

"Yes," Hermione whispered. 

"Yes what?"

"Yes, I like it. I like it when you stroke my head and tell me I'm good." Hermione tightened her eyes even more, aghast at how she was giving in to his games, but also feeling oddly comforted and relieved by letting herself surrender to it. 

"Good girl," Draco whispered softly, moving his lips to her ear. "Now you're going to get on all fours like a good little pet while I walk you inside." Draco released her from his arms.

Hermione stumbled back, feeling dazed from her interaction with Draco, and the burning hot she felt all over her body from being outside for too long. She dropped first onto her knees, and then reluctantly put her hands in front of her on the ground. She looked up at Draco to see him grinning widely.

"Good girl," he mused. "Now let's get you inside."

Draco yanked the leash and Hermione jolted forward. She scrambled on all fours to Draco's side. He began to walk at a leisurely pace, and she kept up with him, trying to stay right by his side in case she slowed too much and had her leash yanked. 

She could feel gravel and sand digging into her hands and knees, and tried to ignore the immense discomfort that she felt walking on all fours. 

He led her up the marble steps leading to the mansion, and Hermione could feel her knees becoming ever more raw with each movement. 

Finally they entered the foyer of the house. The cool air was a huge relief, as Hermione had been sweltering with the hot sun on her back. 

Draco stopped suddenly, and yanked the leash to keep Hermione in place next to him. He bent down and lifted her chin with a finger so she was looking up into his face.

"Very good girl," Draco smiled. "You've been such a good pet. Now I'll reward you for your obedience."

Draco procured his wand and held it out. Hermione stared at it, wishing with all her might that she might be able to reach out and take it from him. But she knew that she would be unable to. Draco pointed his wand at her, and she instantly began to feel the hotness covering her body dissipate. He was healing her of her sunburn. The relief was so immense, Hermione let out a sigh of relief and unintentionally let a smile curve around her lips.

"When you're good, I'm good to you," Draco said firmly. "When you're bad, I'll be bad to you. It's simple. I know you're a smart pet, it shouldn't be so hard to understand."

Hermione nodded slightly. 

"And I'm going to need you feeling your best to truly be able to appreciate the punishment you're about to receive from your little escape attempt today." 

Authors Note: My apologies for not updating in a while! I've seen all of your comments asking me to update, and I'll do my best to try to update regularly from now on! Thank you so much for reading, I truly never expected anyone to read this story in the first place, and I so appreciate all of your comments of support!

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