Chapter 10: Bound

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Hermione scrambled from the bed to the window. She began desperately looking for a way out. As she attemped to open the window, she felt strong hands grabbing her arms. She was twisted around and she was shoved face down on a wooden bench. Draco held her there, her torso shoved against the bench, her knees on the floor.

"Draco, stop," Hermione cried out, the tears welling up in her eyes again. She felt her wrists being tied beneath the bench, as well as her ankles. Then she felt ropes going around her back and stomach, further securing her to the bench. Before she could yell out again, a plastic gag was shoved into her mouth and secured around her head.

Hermione squirmed and tried as hard as she could to free her hands. 

"I told you not to fight it," Draco's voice was soft and steady. "Every time you try to escape, fight me, or disobey," he said as he ran a hand up the back of her thigh, slowly moving her dress higher up her body," the more you are going to be punished." 

Draco lifted her dress up and began slowly moving his hand on her ass, over the white panties that she was wearing. 

Hermione tried to struggle, but she was held firmly in place.

"Such a nice ass," Draco said, caressing it softly. He ran a finger up to the elastic band that held her panties in place and began to peel them back. He pulled them down until they were around her knees. "That's better," Draco said running a hand down and felt her wetness. "I think you like this more than you give on," he said. Hermione could imagine the sneer on his face. She didn't know why, but she did feel aroused. She hated the way her body was responding to his touch. 

"That's a good girl," Draco said. And then she felt the hard smack upon her bottom. 

The pain was intense, and Hermione jerked hard - but not enough to move herself. Instead, her knees and ankles squirmed helplessly.

Then came another smack, stinging worse than the first.

"My poor pet," Draco said softly. "I don't want to have to punish you," he said.

Another smack.

"But when you disobey..."


"I will have to punish you."




"you learn..."


"To obey me completely."

The paddle continued to come down on Hermione's raw behind. She was crying hard now, the pain was unbearable. 

Finally Draco said, "I hope you've learned your lesson. I'm going to take the gag out now. If you scream or cry, I am going to put it back in and punish you more. I will stop if you thank me for your punishment."

Draco walked around her and placed a hand on the top of Hermione's head, stroking her hair gently. "Can you do that for me?" He asked. "Can you be a good girl?" Hermione craned her neck to look up at him and nodded her head.

Draco unfastened the gag and Hermione took a big gasp of air.

"Thank you," she said in a whisper.

"Not good enough," Draco replied. "Who are you thanking?"

"Thank you, Draco."

"Thank you for what?"

"Thank you for punishing me, Draco."

"Good," Draco smiled. "Very good."

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