Chapter 33: Rescue

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After weeks of solitude on the island, Hermione was sick of waiting around. She was determined to put all of her knowledge to use, and get off this island. It seemed Draco was never coming back, so she had to take matters into her own hands. She kept brushing away the wish that Draco would just come back. But he had been gone for so long, Hermione was beginning to doubt if she would ever even see him again. This thought brought immense pain and panic to her, and she quickly would try to dismiss the idea every time it bubbled to the surface of her mind.

She scavenged in the small forest for fallen wood. She didn't have an axe or anything to cut down trees. She was going to build a raft. She was going to escape muggle style. She threw herself fully into this project. It was nice to keep herself busy, to completely throw herself into something. It was easier to do manual labor and escape into the task of foraging and building than ruminating on her feelings.

It took a few days, but she was able to put together a pretty decent raft. For her first raft made using no magic, it truly wasn't bad.

Hermione packed as much food and water as she could take with her and set off to sail to the unknown. The cupboards in the kitchen were completely full of all kinds of food. She was also able to fill many bottles of water with the tap. She found a large travel style backpack in one of the closets upstairs which she used to pack everything. She knew it wasn't a foolproof plan. It was entirely possible that she was hundreds of miles from land.

She didn't care.

She was determined to see this through, to make one last final attempt of getting off the island.

She waded through the water, the large sack on her back, pulling the raft passed the waves. When she was beyond the waves, she hopped on the raft.

She had fashioned some paddles out of some branches she had scavenged. She took a paddle in each hand and began to push them through the clear ocean water.

With each movement of the paddle, the raft drifted in the opposite direction than she intended. She tried to paddle in the opposite direction, but that only pushed the raft to shore quicker.

No matter how much she paddled, the raft drifted back to shore, until it was on the beach again.

She tried again.

And again.

... and again.

Every time the raft would go out a little bit and then drift back to shore.

It had to be magic.

Defeated and exhausted, Hermione collapsed on top of the sandy beach, her eyes beginning to well up with tears.

Her anguish was quickly replaced with anger. She got up and began to kick the raft. She was tired and desperate, all of her feelings manifesting into an uncontrollable rage. Again and again she kicked, yelling at the top of her lungs. On her final kick, her legs flew up from under her and she fell, landing with her ankle twisted and bruised. She had kicked the raft at an odd angle and it had completely unbalanced her.  She poked at it and realized she must have broken it, the pain was unbearable. She could feel it swelling, could see splinters embedded in her now useless ankle.

She laid herself down against the raft and exhaled sharply. Several tears escaped her eyes as she squeezed them tightly. The tears began to flow quickly, her breaths becoming rapid as she cried out in anguish. In that moment, all she could think about through the throbbing pain was Draco. If only he would come back to her. If he came back, he could help her. He could fix her broken ankle. He could take her in his arms. He could comfort her. Even him just being there would be enough. To see his face again. To hear his voice. To feel him against her.

She didn't even try to stop herself from thinking these things about Draco. She let it all come out. The longing. The wanting. The need she felt for him. It was desperate. It was reckless. It was... love.

"Draco," she cried out, "Draco come back... please.. Draco I need you," she yelled to the sea, a desperate plea.

She turned her head towards the mansion, wishing desperately to see Draco.

She saw him.

He was standing in front of the mansion, and as soon as he spotted her he broke out into a run.

Of course it wasn't really Draco.

Hermione knew that it couldn't be, that she was probably seeing things... but... she decided to let herself believe.

She could see him sprinting across the far side of the beach, the small outline of his silhouette getting bigger and bigger with each passing moment.

It really did look like him. He was running so quickly, as her mind wished he would. She wished he would run with everything he had to her. She wanted him to want her as much as she wanted him right now.

And then... he was there. He was bent over her, touching her face softly, holding her to him.

It was really him.

Hermione threw her arms around him, pulling him down to the beach with her. Her eyes were full of tears as she looked up at him.

"I missed you," she said in a strangled whisper.

"Oh, I missed you desperately," he growled into her ear.

Hermione smiled and winced as she felt her ankle throb. Draco saw the pain in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asked, "are you hurt?"

"My ankle," Hermione said, pointing a finger to the ankle that was swollen and twisted in the sand.

Draco didn't hesitate. He moved quickly to her feet, and his wand was out and pointed at her ankle before she could blink.

"Draco," she said, "are you sure you can mend a broken bone?" She asked, her mind remembering the time Lockhart had tried to mend Harry's broken arm.

Draco must have been remembering the same thing, because he quickly put his wand away. Instead of healing her, he plucked her up off the sand. He cradled her in his arms gently, his eyes looked worried.

"I never wanted you to get hurt," he said, his face full of concern, as he carried her swiftly to the mansion.

"I know," Hermione said gently, running her hand through his hair. "I know you don't want any real harm to come to me. I know that," she said.

Draco looked extremely worried. He was clearly beating himself up for leaving her, for allowing this to happen.

"Draco," Hermione said, lifting her hand to his face and pulling it towards her, so he was now looking directly at her.

He stopped in his tracks, feet from the front door.

He stared deeply into her eyes, waiting for what she was about to say.

Hermione took a breath, she couldn't believe what she was about to say, but it was the truth.

"Draco, I love you," she said.

Draco pulled her face to his and kissed her softly, tenderly.

"I love you too," he said, pulling her even closer into him.

The collar around Hermione's neck made a clicking sound and fell with a clatter to the ground.

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