Chapter 22: Giving in

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"Draco," Hermione whimpered, "I'm scared..."

"I know pet," he said. "You've already told me."

"You don't understand," she sobbed. "I... I've never... never done that."

"You've never had a cock in your mouth before?" Draco asked softly, kneeling down to stroke her hair.

Hermione shook her head. "No... I... I'm scared."

Draco took Hermione in his arms and pulled her in to him gently. "It's okay pet... but it's something you're going to have to do. If you don't do it tonight, you're going to have to do it eventually."

"Are... are you going to send anyone those pictures?" Hermione asked, her voice tiny.

"Hmm," Draco sighed. "I'm not sure yet. It depends."

"On what?"

"On whether or not you're a good girl."

"Okay," Hermione said.

"So, you've really never sucked a cock?" Draco asked. He seemed to be genuinely surprised.

"No," Hermione replied. "I haven't done a lot of things."

"Well I'm going to have to take my time breaking you in," Draco smirked.

He took Hermione in his arms and lifted her up onto the bed. She still had her panties around her knees. She couldn't help but feel embarrassed by the amount of wetness that had pooled around her thighs. How could she be aroused by this?

"To be honest," Draco said, "I wouldn't send anyone those pictures."

"Really?" Hermione asked, perking up.

"Really, pet. And do you want to know why?"


"Because you are mine and only mine. I don't want anyone else seeing your naked body but me. Ever."

Hermione gulped. He sounded so serious, and it started to sink in that Draco truly wanted to keep her forever.

"Will you ever let me go?" Hermione asked.

"No," Draco smiled. "Never."

Hermione let this sink in. What if she truly was trapped with Draco forever? She felt strangely... okay with it. This part of her that was open to accepting this strange new life made her angry. She wanted to be more than just a play thing for Draco Malfoy.

"Although..." Draco drawled. "I would send them to absolutely everyone you've ever known under certain circumstances."

Hermione gulped. "Like... what kind of circumstances?"

"If you ever let another man touch you. I want you to be mine and only mine. Do you understand?"

Hermione nodded her head up at him. She could feel her body quiver with a mixture of fear and... excitement. She tried to shake it off. She felt so nervous. This moment, despite how twisted and wrong it was, felt strangely intimate.

Draco grabbed Hermione's hand and guided it to his groin.

Hermione could feel his hardness. It seemed too big... she didn't have much experience in this area, but it was certainly a lot more than she was expecting.

Draco smiled as he watched Hermione's reaction to feeling him through his pants.

Hermione was still on her knees, her hand resting on Draco's hardness and looking up at him.

Hermione could feel the wetness between her thighs, her nipples hardening, and the tingling sensation of arousal all over her body. She realized in that moment that she wanted Draco. She wanted to kiss him, and be close with him... she wanted his soft lips against hers... but instead she was on her knees, staring up at him.

Hermione began to gently move her hand and fingers around, feeling Draco's hardness...

Draco grabbed her hand and pulled Hermione up to her feet. He tossed her onto the bed and Hermione's cravings of closeness were instantly fulfilled.

Draco has his hands wrapped around both of her wrists. He kissed her mouth with such hunger and passion that Hermione was left gasping for breath when he pulled back to move his lips to her neck. She let out gasps as he bit and sucked on her neck. She was sure there would be bruises there... was he giving her hickeys?

Draco rolled onto his back and pulled Hermione up so that she was on top of him.

"I want you to unzip my pants," he said, his eyes piercing her with a soft gaze that made Hermione go weak.

Hermione didn't hesitate. She did as she was told. The fear and apprehension she had felt earlier had vanished. Now all she could think was that she wanted Draco. She didn't want to fight it anymore... she was going to follow this feeling.

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