Chapter 8: Waiting

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Hermione had, in recent years, redeemed Draco in her mind. Now, she was certain that he was evil incarnate. What she wouldn't give to punch him in the face again. He deserved it.

She lay there for what seemed like ages. She kept making attempts to will herself to use her magic despite not having her wand. It didn't work.

She knew she had been there since early in the morning. She could see through the window the changing of the day.

Draco still had not come back for her.

She kept wondering what he was doing - why he had just left her here like this. After a few hours, the fear turned to boredom. She hated herself for wishing Draco would come back. Why would she possibly want him to come back? And why was she continually thinking about him?

Hermione closed her eyes, only to have a crystal clear image of Draco emblazened in her minds eye.

She watched as the sun began to set outside. He must be coming. He had to. There was no way he could simply leave her.

And yet, he did.

Hermione watched as the last bit of light left the sky. A tear fell down her cheek. Still Draco has not come.

As the tear dropped to the bed, Hermione heard something like footsteps outside of the bedroom.

"Hello, my pet," Draco said in a soft voice. "Did you miss me?"

"Of course I didn't miss you," Hermione gasped as the ribbon fell from her mouth.

"Hmm," Draco sighed. "I suppose I'll go then. But first..." Draco trailed off as he advanced near her.

Draco ran a hand slowly from her cheek, down the nape of her neck, softly down her spine, stopping right at her bottom where he let his hand linger for a moment.

"You'll miss me soon, Granger," he said before giving her a hard whack across her bottom.

Hermione screamed out in pain.

Drack kissed her trembling lips and looked into her eyes.

"I suppose I'll leave you be then," he said. "Clearly you have important things to do," he smirked.

Draco left the room. Hermione waited all night, wondering if he really did leave her. She wondered and thought of him until she was so tired that her eyes closed and she faded into sleep.

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