Chapter 34: Explained

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Draco moved Hermione into the living area, placing her gently on the couch and elevating her ankle with some pillows. He also grabbed a bag of ice and placed it on her ankle to help reduce the swelling. 

It was when she hit the softness of the sofa that she realized how truly exhausted she felt.

"Draco, the collar," Hermione whispered, "what happened?"

Draco smiled, and took his time to gaze lovingly at Hermione for a while before speaking.

"As I'm sure you've already figured out," Draco said, "it was enchanted."

Hermione grinned. "Oh, you don't say?" She said with an obviously sarcastic tone.

Draco shot her a glare, but it was quickly replaced with a smile. He had actually glared at her... as a joke. Draco was actually being playful. Hermione shook her head a bit, and tried her best to sit up straight to show that she was paying attention.

"Why yes," he said in an enthusiastic tone, "it absolutely was! I'm surprised the smartest witch of the age wasn't able to surmise something that seemed so obvious."

They exchanged knowing grins and Draco continued. "The collar was actually extremely difficult to acquire..." Draco began, but Hermione interrupted.

"Yes, I'm sure it was very difficult. But what was the enchantment? What did it do?"

"Shh," Draco shushed her. "I'll tell you everything, pet."

Hermione's cheeks grew flush at the name he called her. Pet. Why did it affect her this way? Suddenly, she felt like she wanted to be obedient. It made her feel as though she wanted to please Draco, as though he were her master.

"I'll spare you the details of the acquisition," Draco continued. "The collar served several functions. There were only two ways that it could be removed." He paused for dramatic effect while Hermione stared, hanging on his every word. "I could have just taken it off myself. Or, it would come off when you loved me with all of your heart, and could freely admit to that love."

There was silence for a while, while the two of them bought thought of the implications of this. He hadn't taken it off. It had come off all on its own... that must mean that Hermione honestly, and truly... was completely in love with Draco Malfoy.

"And another thing," Draco continued. "You had to put the collar on of your own free will. If you recall, I wasn't even present with you when you put it on yourself."

Hermione scoffed. "Um, my own free will? Yeah sure, kidnapping me, threatening me, punishing me... how can that be my own free will? You left the collar with a threatening note saying I would be punished if I didn't wear it!"

Draco smiled. "Well that's the thing," he said. "Despite all that, the collar still registered that it was something you wanted. If you had truly not wanted it, it wouldn't have fastened to your neck at all."

"Are you seriously trying to tell me that I wanted this? This entire time? That from the beginning, I wanted you to kidnap me, and... and..." Hermione was growing a bit annoyed. She was flustered and couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Face it pet," Draco grinned. "You wanted me from the beginning."

"I so did not!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Oh?" Draco said, rising to his feet so he was standing over her. "Is that so? You didn't secretly love the feel of my hand against your bare ass..." He ran his hand slowly across Hermione's body, starting from her chest, down to her stomach.

Hermione could feel her whole body becoming alert with arousal. 

"I..." Hermione had lost all words. "I don't know," she said, truthfully.

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