Chapter 21: Crawl

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"Get on your knees," Draco demanded.

Hermione hesitated, and before she could slowly raise herself down, Draco waved his hand and Hermione could feel an energy pulsating from the collar that forced her to her knees. What was this magic? How could he be making him do things against her will without using the imperius curse?

"I'm going to take you to the bedroom," Draco said calmly. "And you are going to crawl on all fours next to me like a good pet, do you understand?"

Hermione let out a strangled sob, but managed to nod her head up and down, looking up at him. 

Draco smiled and watched as Hermione reluctantly bent over so that her hands were on the rough pavement.

Draco still held the leash, which had become a much shorter length, just the right length to keep her at his side as he stood. Draco yanked on the leash as he began to walk, and Hermione scrambled on all fours to keep up with him. She felt humiliated. 

"Good girl," Draco whispered, as she managed to keep his steady pace into the mansion.

Hermione let out a cry as she could feel the pain in her knees and hands from being on the ground this way. 

He led her up a marble staircase and into a large bedroom that had a four poster bed with sheer white curtains around it. There were huge windows looking out to the sea, and a balcony. 

Draco stopped abruptly at the foot of the bed and knelt down to pat Hermione's head. "Very good girl," he whispered. There was hunger in his voice. His touch was tender, and he stroked Hermione's hair.

Hermione was disgusted with herself at how much she enjoyed this soft touch. She nuzzled her head into his hand, craving this tenderness and affection. 

"There, there, pet," he whispered, as he ran his hand over her head... and then he began to slide his hand down her back and onto her ass, patting her gently there. 

Hermione was still wearing the dress she had so excitedly picked out to look good for him. Now she wished that she had picked a longer dress, because Draco was running his hand up it and playing with the edges of her underwear.

She stayed on all fours, frozen, afraid of what would happen next.

"You're going to be a good girl for me," Draco whispered, grabbing Hermione's ass and hair simultaneously. He pulled her head to him by her hair, and began to kiss her neck while he kept a firm grasp on her ass. "I've been holding back, you know," he said. "There are so many things I want to do to you... things I want you to do to me..." He yanked her panties and pulled them down around her knees so that her bare ass was exposed. 

"Draco," Hermione whimpered, "I'm scared." She braced for him to get angry but instead he gently stroked her hair.

"I know," he whispered. "It's okay to be scared, pet... and I kind of like it when you're scared... but you will come to crave what you fear."

Draco ran a finger over Hermione's wetness, and stopped to linger on her clit. He began gently rubbing her there, and Hermione couldn't help but let out a moan of pleasure.

"I like to hear you moan," Draco whispered in Hermione's ear. "But what I want is to hear you scream." 

Draco released Hermione and extended his palm. The leash disappeared. He proceeded to pull Hermione's dress off, over her shoulders, so that she was only wearing her bra, heels, and her panties around her knees. 

Draco unclasped Hermione's bra and removed it from her, tossing it aside. He ran a hand over her mouth, smearing her lipstick. 

"You look like a dirty whore," he said as he slapped her ass. "I wonder what everyone would think of you if they saw you like this," he smirked. "Stay there, pet." 

Draco got up and walked to a dresser. He procured something from a drawer and walked back over to Hermione. It was a camera. 

"Draco," Hermione yelped, horrified at the sight of the camera. "Please, don't." 

Draco snapped a photo, "what was that?"

"Please Draco, stop," Hermione pleaded.

Snap. Another photo.

Hermione sobbed and tears started streaming down her face.

"Good, let's see your mascara run," Draco smiled and took another photograph.

"Draco, stop, please," Hermione begged.

"What would you do for me to stop?" Draco asked, snapping another picture.

"What do you want?" Hermione asked.

Draco tossed the camera onto the bed and crouched down next to her. 

"I want you to beg me for the honor of sucking my cock," he whispered. "Do you think you can do that, pet?" 

Hermione looked up at him, tears running down her face. "Draco, please..." She didn't know what to say. She didn't know what to do. The photos had already been taken, and she couldn't imagine begging to do something so dirty... she had never taken a penis inside her mouth before... the idea terrified her.

"I've been so gentle with you," Draco said casually. "Oh, the things I've been wanting to do to you... and the things I could have done with you, but I didn't. Because I'm a gentleman. I am not heartless. I show mercy. I have been very patient with you, but my patience is beginning to run out."

Draco ran a finger under Hermione's chin and pulled her face up to look at him. "So what's it going to be pet? A photo shoot? Or are you going to beg to suck on me?"

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