Chapter 26: Outside

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Hermione ran down the driveway and towards the ocean. She couldn't help but grin, overjoyed to feel the warm sun caressing her body. Hermione closed her eyes and raised her arms out, embracing the sun and the salty sea air.

She kicked off her sandals and scooped them up with her fingers to sprint barefoot down the beach. She scanned the horizon to her right and the jungle to her left, searching for any sign of civilization. There was none. She kept sprinting.

She did try to disapparate, but nothing happened.

After a while she slowed to a walk. The mansion was a small dot in the distance, and she continued to trudge through the sand, wondering where she was off to.

Hours passed and the sun hung high in the air. The mansion had long been out of her sight. She was beginning to feel sunburnt and dehydrated. She continued on.

The sun began to lower in the sky, but she pushed on, determined to keep going.

And then she saw it.

The mansion.

She let out a strangled sob as she realized that she was truly trapped here.

She had walked a full circle around this island.

She didn't hesitate to walk straight inside the mansion, and to the kitchen where she began drinking down lots of water. When she had had her fill she began to sob and doubled over onto the kitchen counter.

"Your little adventure wasn't all you had hoped it would be?" Draco drawled. He was standing behind her, arms crossed, and a cold sneer drawn across his face.

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