Chapter 14: Dinner

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Hermione stood naked and collared, standing in the spot where Draco had left her. She stifled a sob as the door opened again, and a bowl came flying in and landed softly at her feet. 

It was a bowl of milk.

She made a grab for the parchment and read it over again. 

"I expect you to drink your dinner by getting on your hands and knees and lapping it up."

Hermione dropped the parchment and sat on the bed, wrapping the comforter around herself and staring menacingly at the bowl. Seriously? How could he expect her to get on her hands and knees and drink from a bowl of milk like an animal. Was that how he viewed her? As an animal? He did keep calling her his pet...

Hermione jumped as the door opened and Draco walked back inside the room.

"Now pet," he said, "I don't believe I gave you permission to sit on the bed." He waved his wand and the comforter and sheets came zooming toward him. He directed them out the door. There was now nothing that Hermione could use to cover herself.

"On your hands and knees, Granger."

"Draco, please," Hermione begged. "This is too much, I can't. I can't." Hermione had tears running down her face as she looked at Draco pleadingly.

"Are you sure you don't want to follow my orders?" Draco said quietly.

Hermione stood while trying to hide her nakedness. "Draco... Please, you don't have to do this."

"I'm surprised, pet," Draco said. "Of all of the things I could have you do, this is what you're refusing?"

"I don't want to get on my hands and knees like an animal!" Hermione shouted, lunging at Draco with her fists in balls.

Draco caught her and hoisted her up over his shoulder. Hermione kicked and struggled trying to get away, but Draco held her firmly. He threw her down on the bed, wrapping his arms around her delicate wrists. 

"I can think of a lot worse that I can make you do," Draco whispered into Hermione's ear. He took a finger and softly brushed a tear away. "Now, I want you to crawl onto the floor, and thank me for allowing you to have dinner."

Hermione cried silently, and said nothing.

Draco made a quick movement and flipped Hermione over on the bed, and grabbing her wrists tied them together with a red ribbon. He then waved his wand and conjured a leather leash, one that looked like a dogs leash. He snapped it in place on the ring around her neck and gave her a tug. "Now you're going to have to do it leashed and with your arms behind your back," he whispered. "Do you want to find out the next thing I'll do when you refuse again?"

Hermione shook her head, and looked up at Draco with tear streaked eyes. "I'll do it," she said.

"Good girl," Draco smiled. 

He led her down to the floor, gently pulling the leash.

"You know," he said casually as Hermione was poised over the bowl and about to drink, "I was going to have you eat alone, but I'm glad I decided to come watch you." 

He let go of the leash and walked around to behind Hermione. She began to lap up the milk with her tongue.

Draco raised his hand and smacked her ass. Hard.

Hermione jolted and winced, crying out in pain. "Why?" She cried, "why?"

"I'll stop when you're done with you dinner," he replied coolly. "Better eat fast. The longer you take, the more spankings you're going to get."

Hermione lapped at the milk as fast as she could, but Draco's hand kept coming down repeatedly on her already sore ass. 

As she took the last lap of milk, emptying the bowl, Draco moved his hand lower,  between her legs. He felt the wetness there and let a finger linger there. "You're wet," he whispered. "You must like this."

"I do not!" Hermione yelled out.

Draco scooped her up in his arms and brought her to the bed. He removed the leash, but left the ribbons tied securely on her wrists. 

"Good night, pet." He said, leaving Hermione laying on the bed, naked and with no blankets. 

Hermione said nothing as he gently closed the door.

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