Chapter 19: Dance

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What exactly did Draco want to do with her? Hermione's mind raced, thinking of all sorts of depraved and sordid acts. If the things that had taken place at the Malfoy Manor were any indication of Draco's proclivities, Hermione didn't think she wanted to do much more with him... Or did she? She thought about how much she had craved him even after everything he had done to her. 

She didn't respond to Draco, which seemed to disappoint him. However, he didn't become aggressive or stern with her. He seemed to shrug off her silence. 

The comment had caught Hermione so off-guard that she had become unaware that she was still straddling Draco. Of course she knew that she was sitting on him, but it seemed so natural. Upon realizing that she was still straddling Draco Malfoy, she became a bit uncomfortable and made a movement to get off of his lap.

"Where do you think you're going?" Draco whispered, pulling Hermione close to him. 

"I just thought, maybe you would be more comfortable without me... you know... sitting on you." 

"Oh pet," Draco laughed, "I am extremely comfortable with you right here, on my lap. In fact - you are going to stay right here until I tell you. Do you understand?"

Hermione nodded her head. "Yes," she said. "I understand."

"Good girl," he smiled. 

Draco ran a hand up her bare leg, moving slowly up to her thigh. He let his hand linger higher up on Hermione's thigh than she thought would be appropriate - but then, none of this was appropriate. None of it at all. 

Hermione gripped Draco's shoulders, steadying herself against him. His touch made her feel weak. 

Draco moved his hand slightly further up her thigh, until it was lingering just at the edge of her panties. 

Hermione stayed still, not daring to move.

Draco looked into Hermione's eyes and grinned. "You're being very good tonight, pet." He said.

"Thank you," Hermione replied.

Draco withdrew his hand abruptly, and in one fell swoop had hoisted Hermione next to him, back on the seat. 

Hermione was appalled with herself for feeling a bit disappointed. She squirmed in her seat, adjusting back into it. She could feel a wetness between her thighs that made her blush. She was suddenly feeling very self-conscious. 

"We're here pet," Draco said.

Hermione had been so wrapped up in Draco, that she had hardly noticed that the Abraxan had descended and they were gently touching down onto ground. 

Hermione peered out the window trying to get a sense for where they were. She thought she could see the ocean.

She could smell salt in the air as Draco opened the carriage door. They were definitely on the coast somewhere.

As Hermione emerged from the carriage she gasped and clapped a hand to her mouth. In front of them was a lighted stone pathway lined with towering palm trees leading toward an ivory mansion. There were white orbs of light dancing along the pathway, and what looked like string lights going up the tall trunks of the palms.

Draco extended his arm, helping Hermione down from the carriage, and placed a hand on the small of her back as he led her down the path and toward the immaculate mansion.

The inside was possibly the most expensive looking place Hermione had ever found herself in. 

Draco had a smug smirk on his face as he led her through the marble foyer.

Music came floating through the air to Hermione's ears. It was soft and sweet... romantic.

They approached a large set of double doors, and Draco paused dramatically, giving Hermione a sultry gaze before opening the doors.

A band was playing in the far corner of a beautifully lit ballroom. It had a dramatically arched ceiling that was dotted with crystal chandeliers spiraling down and illuminating the gold-flecked marble floors. 

Draco led Hermione to the center of the ballroom. "Dance with me," He whispered in her ear, pulling her in close.

Hermione gave a small nod, and the next thing she knew they were gliding across the floor, perfectly in tune together.

Hermione couldn't help but keep glancing over at the musicians, wondering if this were a test of some kind to see if she would try to ask for help and escape.

Draco seemed to notice her glances, because he grabbed her waist and hands so hard that it hurt, while continuing to dance and spin her around. "Just remember pet,"  he whispered. "I have thought of everything."

Draco let go of Hermione and took a few steps back from her, looking at the band and then back to her. 

"I saw you looking at them," Draco said.

"Of course," replied Hermione. "They're a band... and their music is beautiful."

Draco sneered and rolled his eyes at her. A bit of the old immature snotty school days Malfoy was starting to appear again, and in an instant Hermione felt appalled that she had felt any attraction toward him. She was about to turn her back on him and walk away, the consequences be damned, when he grabbed her arm.

"Let's have dinner," he said, softening his voice. "We can forget about this. Besides..." He nodded his head at the band. "They wouldn't be much help to anyone."

"And why is that?" Hermione asked.

"Muggles," he said. "I don't plan on doing any magic around them, but if I do I can just do a memory ch-"

"Draco Malfoy!" Hermione pushed him, and completely caught off guard, Draco stumbled back, a look of pure shock on his face. "Useless? Memory charm? What are you, a death eating Lockhart? I thought you were better than that." Hermione crossed her arms and stared him down, giving him her best 'I'm so disappointed in you right now,' look.

Draco took a moment to recover from the shock of his pet pushing him and yelling at him. And then he did something highly unexpected. He began to let out a long steady string of laughter.

"And this," Draco said excitedly, "this is why I'm crazy about you."

Hermione was dumbfounded. What did he mean, crazy about her? For what?

"You have so much fire in you," he said, lowering his voice and coming closer to her. "Such a passion, strong morals, intelligence..." He leaned his face in close to her ear. "It makes me want to..." He grabbed the back of her head by her hair and shoved her face onto his, kissing her so deeply that Hermione lost all breath, all thoughts, and let herself be consumed by Draco.

"You make me want to do that," he whispered, pulling away and releasing her hair. "Now, it's time for our dinner." 

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