Chapter 29: Rescue

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Morning came and Hermione woke at the first sign of light. She had only slept in short increments. The sound of roaring waves kept waking her, along with the cold night air.

She shivered. 

How could Draco have left her out here all night? How could he be so cruel? She knew he was cruel - but this... it was inhumane.

Hermione sat herself up, trying to steel herself for another day of being chained to a tree and left in isolation.

As she raised her head she saw a figure standing across from her on the opposite side of the pool. Draco.

"Draco," she called out to him, and began to shakily get to her feet.

Draco did not respond to her calling out to him with words. Instead, he swiftly ran to her. He covered her arms in his, embracing her in a warm hug.

Relief swept over her, she allowed her head to rest on his shoulder, putting her arms around him. Any fight that was left in her had been extinguished. She needed this warmth. This feeling of being cared for. She didn't even care that he was the person who had done this to her. She was just relieved that he was back.

Draco waved his hand over her collar and the leash disappeared as though it were wind. He scooped Hermione up in his arms and carried her back inside as she clung to him, her arms holding tightly around his neck.

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