Chapter 16: Good girl

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The guilt was overwhelming.

Up until now, Hermione has tried not to think of Ron... and now she loathed the thoughts swirling through her head.

She had meant the kiss. She had never wanted anything more. When her lips met Draco's she felt electricity course through her body in a way she thought had only been reserved for stories.

Ron had never made her feel this way.

Maybe it was the isolation, or the way all of her emotions were ramped up in this terrifying new life. Maybe it was her survival mechanisms kicking in? There was no way that she would begin to develop real feelings for Draco! That was preposterous.

Hermione fell asleep with images of Draco and the feeling of his soft lips swirling in her brain.

When she awoke, she was enveloped in a soft downy comforter. There was a tray at the foot of the bed with an assortment of delicious breakfast items. And a single red rose in a vase with a note attached.

Good morning, pet. Enjoy the breakfast... and your wardrobe.
- Draco

Hermione let a smile escape her lips before leaping off the bed and dashing to the closet.

It was full of clothes again. She began rifling through the massive selection, ecstatic at the chance to wear clothes again.

She remembered taking these precious garments for granted when she had first arrived. But now her eyes were welling up with tears as she ran a hand over the soft textiles.

As she looked over the selections she couldn't help but wonder which Draco would like the most. Her cheeks flushed imagining the reaction he might have at a few of the more scandalous garments.

She settled on a simple pastel blush dress. It hugged her curves in all the right places, and stopped a bit above her knee. She found a pair of blush slingback heels that complimented the dress, and a simple pear necklace in a jewelry drawer.

She looked at herself in the mirror and was taken aback by how beautiful the outfit made her look. She tied her hair up in a delicate bun, and went back to the tray to snack on some of the still-warm pastries.

When Hermione had filled up on breakfast she sat back on the bed and waited.

And waited.

She went to the bathroom several times and found an assortment of makeup items which she used to touch up her looks. She was so bored that she kept going back to do more, and even washed her face a few times as she feared she has overdone it on the makeup. She didn't want to look as though she was trying too hard to look nice. She wanted to look just right.

She wondered that maybe, if she behaved extremely well, she might earn Draco's trust. Perhaps he would trust her out of the bedroom, out of the house, or even offer her her freedom!

Draco arrived sometime in the mid afternoon. He looked polished as per usual. Not a hair out of place.

"I see you've made good use of the wardrobe," he smirked.

"Yes," Hermione said, getting to her feet to greet him. "Thank you Draco... thank you so much, I-"

"Shhh, stop my pet," he interrupted. "I wanted to see if you would show your gratitude by dressing up for me and..." he looked her up and down, "you have made your master quite happy."

... Master? Hermione gulped at this word and could feel her cheeks flushing red.

"Well, I appreciate it," she whispered.

"If you are good to me," Draco replied, "you will be rewarded. And if you misbehave... I'm sure you have an idea of the consequences."

Draco walked over to Hermione and ran a finger up her neck and to her chin, pulling her face in close to his.

"Are you going to be a good girl for me?" He whispered.

"Yes," Hermione whispered back.

"Yes what?"

"Yes I will be a good girl."

"Who are you talking to?"

"Yes, I will be a good girl Draco."

"Try again. This time call me master."

"Yes, I will be a good girl, master."

Draco grinned and let go of her chin.

"Good girl," he said smiling. "Now I want you to change. I want you to dress up really nice for me. We're going on a date."

Yes, Draco (Dramione BDSM) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now