Chapter 4: The Cellar

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Hermione found herself in the cellar of the Malfoy Manor. 

She was wearing nothing but a blanket that she had wrapped around herself. 

This was the absolute last place she had ever wanted to find herself.

Memories of the cruciatus curse being performed on her by Bellatrix flashed through her mind. Then she remembered Dobby, and began to sob.

She slunk down against a wall, huddling up with the blanket. Why was she here? What had she done to deserve this, and what could Malfoy possibly want with her?

She didn't know how much time had passed before the door to the cellar opened. She shielded her eyes with her hand, as the light was so bright. All she could make out was a silhouette standing at the top of the stairs. Malfoy.

"Hello, my pet," Draco said smoothly. 

"I am not your pet," Hermione snarled, jumping to her feet. "Let me out of here now, Draco!"

"No," he replied simply.

"Why the hell not?" Hermione cried. "I have no idea what you want with me."

Draco walked toward her, and raising his wand, ropes began to emerge from them, binding her wrists above her head, and were bound to hooks on the ceiling. The blanket had fallen off of her completely, and she began frantically trying to use her feet to get it back, but to no avail. She was completely naked, vulnerable, bound, and afraid.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked again, this time beginning to sob.

"Do you really not know?" Draco asked.

"How would I know?" Hermione asked.

"I'm doing this," Draco said softly, "because I want you."

"Want me?" Hermione whimpered. "What do you want with me?"

"You, Granger. Has it not been glaringly obvious? I've wanted you for years. For years I've had to watch you from afar. I never took action. I never told you how I felt about you. I'm..." He trailed off, unsure of how to put it. "I am quite fond of you, Granger."

"You're fond of me?" Hermione gawked. "Seriously. Fond of me? You know what you don't do to people you're fond of? You don't kidnap them. You don't tie them up naked and... and torture them like this!"

"I suppose it's more than a fondness," Draco mused. "I love you, Granger. And I want you to be mine. I knew you wouldn't willingly be with me. So I took you. I took you, and now you are mine."

"You're crazy!" Hermione cried. "You are absolutely insane! You love me? You tormented me all through our school years."

"Of course I did," Draco replied. "I tried for years to quell my feelings for you. I didn't want to be so attracted to a... a muggle born like you." He looked into her glaring eyes and took a step closer. "In the end, none of that mattered. I thought that after time went by, thoughts of you would go away. But they haven't. In fact, they have grown into something much more. I am going to make you mine, Granger. By any means necessary."

Draco walked up close to Hermione. He leaned down, his face so close their lips were almost touching. 

Hermione spat in his face. "I will never be yours, Malfoy. Never!"

Draco took one step back, and coolly took a handkerchief from his lapel pocket and dabbed his face. He stepped toward her again, this time grabbing her face. He produced a silk black ribbon, and before tying it around her mouth, he kissed her, running his hand down the side of her naked form. He caressed her back, and pulled her toward him. She was forced to stumble, eyes wide, struggling as he tied a ribbon behind her head, rendering her unable to speak.

Draco took several steps back and looked at her up and down. "I think that's enough for now," he said. "I don't want to push you too hard just yet. I'm going to leave you here for a while, and when I come back you will be happy to see me."

Hermione tried to cry out, but any words were muffled by the ribbon in her mouth. 

Draco chuckled. "Bye, my pet. I hope you can be good for me when I return."

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