Chapter 35: Home (End)

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Hermione watched the island get smaller and smaller through the carriage window. The thestrals ascended to the sky at a rapid pace, until they were above the clouds and the island was out of view.

"I supposed if I was going t be held somewhere," Hermione mused, "a tropical island wasn't so bad." 

Draco grinned. "I was hoping you would think that, pet." 

It was a big decision to make. And after everything Draco had put her through? After everything he had done to her? It was madness. It was completely insane. But if Draco was to be believed, which she didn't see why he would lie - the collar told her everything. Before they had left, she had gone back outside to retrieve it and stashed it away in a bag she brought along with her. She wanted to keep it. She thought that it might be something she would even cherish. Never had she thought that this was going to be her life. Had she really wanted the collar in the first place? She didn't think she had, but she couldn't be sure. What she knew was that her love for Draco was real. 

She thought back to their school days. Draco had made her so angry back then. She remembered thinking about him during that time, and how she had thought he was so handsome, and hated herself every time the thought came up. How she would look at his face and hate him even more because of how attractive she found him. How everything he was was something that she felt she should find repulsive - but in actuality, she was fighting her own desires with such force that she actually punched him! 

Hermione curled up next to Draco, her head resting on his shoulder. She was pretty sure she had already made up her mind. She knew what she wanted... and at that thought she smirked, excited to see Draco's reaction when she told him. She sat with that decision for a while, turning it over in her mind, trying to make absolute sure that it was what she wanted. 

"Draco," she ended the silence. 

"Yes pet?" He asked.

"I've decided," she said firmly.

Draco sat up and turned to look at her. His face was solemn, and he looked as though he had been preparing for the worst. 

"And?" He said, somehow seeming to shrink as he watched her.

"I choose you," she said.

Draco grinned widely, before pulling her in for a long and hard kiss. 

"You do?" He said, barely able to believe the answer she was giving him.

"I do," she said. "I love you, Draco... and I know it's kind of crazy that I love you even after all the ways you acted. I don't know. Maybe those things even contribute to me loving you. I don't need a magic collar to tell me how I really feel... and I know that if I have to live without you, if I go back to my old life, I'll probably be fine. But that's just it. Fine. But with you, if I can trust you, if you really meant what you said back there, about me being able to live my life how I want while being with you... Then I think things will be more than fine."

"What will they be then?" Draco smiled.

"Wonderful," she whispered. "Just wonderful."

They spent the remainder of the ride cuddled up next to each other, occasionally breaking to kiss and gaze into each others eyes. 

Hermione wasn't sure what their life together would look like - but that was part of the excitement. As much as she had spent her life following rules, she had always secretly loved breaking them even more. Being with Draco in itself was alluring in that it felt like the ultimate taboo. She tried not to think about the look of sadness and disappointment on Ron's face when she broke it off with him... but strangely, she didn't dwell on it too much. She knew that she had the strength to do what had to be done, and she knew that he would be fine. Hopefully they could stay friends. She giggled at the thought of trying to have a night out with Draco and her friends. How awkward that might be. She found  that mental image incredibly amusing, and realized that she truly didn't care what others thought. She didn't care one bit. It was just like Draco had said. It doesn't matter what anyone else says or thinks - what matters is what she wants, and that she lives her life how she wants to. She wanted to be Draco's. She wanted to be a good girl for him and to give into him completely, consequences be damned. 

As the carriage descended and stopped in front of Malfoy Manor, Draco turned to Hermione.

"Welcome home, pet," he said softly.

"Home," Hermione whispered, looking out at the Manor with fresh eyes. "I'm glad to be home. With you."

Draco walked around the carriage and opened the door for Hermione, extended his hand and escorted her down. They walked hand in hand toward the manor, off to begin their new life together - a life that Hermione had chosen.


Authors note:

Thank you SO MUCH to all of you for reading! It really means a lot to me. Honestly, I didn't think anyone would read this at all, so I've been absolutely amazed at all the views and comments! Thank you to everyone who commented asking me to update, and thank you for dealing with me taking forever to update sometimes. I really tried to make up for it with the last few chapters! This has been a wild ride, and I really appreciate you being there. I never would have finished this without the encouragement from readers. Writing has always been my #1 passion, and this has really helped kickstart me back into writing again. I am so incredibly grateful to all of you for helping me follow my passion! I started this story one day after having total writers block on another project I was working on. I began writing it just for myself really, and stalled on it for a long time - not having checked my account and realizing that people were actually reading it!! To say the least, I was absolutely blown away, and still am!

I'm already toying around with the idea of a sequel to Yes, Draco. I've also begun working on another book that is 100% all my own (not a fanfiction, and is about an extremely obsessed k-pop fan that will do anything to get what she wants), and it might not be for everyone, but I'll be releasing chapters for that pretty soon. And.. I may have already started the sequel to this - but I have definitely learned that if I want to write on Wattpad, I need to have a regular update schedule! So I want to make sure I have lots of chapters at the very least outlined before I start publishing. I don't want to keep you guys waiting forever, like some of you did with this one!

Thank you so much again. If you're interested to see what I write next, please follow me on wattpad! I appreciate each and everyone one of you for taking the time out of your day to read something that I've written. Much love to you!

I'd also love any feedback that you have for me! What did you think of the story? What do you want to happen next? Do you want more? Let me know!

Yes, Draco (Dramione BDSM) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now