Chapter 6: Changing

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Hermione was so relieved to have her hands free. Her arms felt numb, and her wrists had dark bruises from the ropes. She fell to her knees, her landing partially padded by the clothing Draco had put in front of her.

What kind of hell was this? Surely, Draco had completely lost his mind. Those hours and hours in the dark, naked... She shuddered, and let out a strangled sob. Her hands found the clothes. She rolled her eyes. Hard. There was a lacey dress that was basically lingerie. And this over the top bra? And stockings? And heels? This was so not her style. She was so angry at Draco (understatement) for treating her like this, and objectifying her. She was not a sex object, as he seemed to think. Why was he punishing her like this? Didn't he know the world of trouble he was going to be in after all of this? It was only a matter of time before someone found her....

Or was it? Who would think that she was at the Malfoy Manor? She thought of Ron and sobbed again. He wouldn't even know she was gone for days. No one would. Malfoy surely would have covered his tracks, and she hadn't had any contact with him in a year. Who would suspect she would be there?

Suddenly aware of the figure standing in the doorway, she hurriedly put on the bra, dress, stockings and heels. The stockings were the worst, especially with the lack of underwear. She didn't want to wear them, but her instincts were telling her to put it all on, or else who knew what irrational and crazy thing Draco would do next.

When she was done getting dressed, Draco walked toward her but kept a bit of a distance. Her eyes were drawn to the wand in his right hand. He wondered where her wand was. Even though she was dressed now, she still felt so vulnerable and naked without her wand.

"Not bad," Draco said. "Although I'll admit, I preferred what you were wearing a few minutes ago."

"A few minutes ago I was..." Hermione stopped herself from finishing the sentence, feeling embarrassed.

Draco smirked.

Hermione knew there must be some way to get out of this situation. She had been taken, humiliated, and now she was going to plan. She needed her wand. If she was able to get her wand, she would be able to get out. She cursed being unable to disapparate within the Malfoy Manor.

Hermione surveyed Draco, staring at him, looking his body up and down. He had gotten muscular since she had last seen him. He looked strong. There was no way she would be able to take him out with physical force. She would have to be cunning... and continue to keep an eye out for things in her surrounding that would be able to aide her in escape. Until then, she would try to hold her tongue as much as possible... but how she longed to smack Malloy right in his sneering face. She had been able to keep her temper in check for the most part, but her loathing for Malfoy was so strong that she was unsure of how long she would be able to control herself.

Hermione flinched as Draco reached a hand out to touch her face.

"Are you hungry?" Draco asked.

Hermione stayed silent. She was very hungry. She didn't know what day or time it was. She had no idea how long it had been since her last meal. She stared into Draco's eyes, attempting to assess whether or not she was going to trust any food he brought her.

"Well?" He prodded.

"Yes, of course I'm hungry," Hermione snapped. She immediately regretted the tone she had taken, remembering her resolve to be agreeable. But then, what if she was too agreeable? He couldn't possibly be so out of touch with reality that if she were to act too agreeable it wouldn't occur to him that she was up to something.

"I want you to ask nicely for your food," Draco said coldly.

Hermione gawked at him. Was he for real?
"Can I have some food please?" Hermione said.

The sarcastic undertone was not lost on Draco. He shook his head, appearing to be genuinely disappointed.

"It really is too bad you aren't showing me more respect," Draco said. "I was going to treat you to a romantic dinner, and then show you to the room I have prepared for you. Clearly, you are underserving of such generosity."

A romantic dinner? Okay, clearly he had completely lost it. Her room? Did he really think she was going to live here with him? The reality of her situation continued to sink in. She didn't say anything, just lowered her head dejectedly, trying to come up with something.

"If you're not going to respect me, I'm going to have to have you eat here," he said, sounding genuinely dismayed.

Draco waved his wand, and ropes appeared. They bound Hermione's wrists behind her back.

He left for a minute and returned with a bowl. He set it at her feet.

"Seriously?" Hermione said.

Malfoy turned his back and left the cellar without saying a word.

Hermione did everything she could to hold the tears at bay once Malfoy had left. She didn't want him to win. She would get through this, and she would escape. She'd been up against worse before!

She realized then how exhausted she was. She backed up a bit until her bound hands found the back wall. She slid down it, curled up into a ball and fell asleep.

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