Chapter 7: Tied

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Draco hadn't wanted to leave Hermione in the cellar that night. It twisted up his stomach and made his heart feel tight at the thought. What he really wanted was her obedience and ultimately, her love.

He stood in the doorway of the room he had prepared for her. Part of him was embarrassed to show her how much work he had put forth toward it. There were shelves lined with books, and he had even updated the manors library so that it came close to Hogwarts own library!

He wondered achingly if his plan would work. It had to. He knew they were meant for each other, it was just a matter of time until she realized it too.

He began questioning everything he had done up until this point.

She would love him. She would respect him. It was all just a matter of making the right moves.

Draco went to his bed and laid down. As he stared up at his ceiling his thoughts were down in the cellar with Hermione. He tried to push back bits of guilt he felt about keeping her down there, but had to continue to remind himself that it would all be worth it in the end. She would see that too... eventually.

The next morning, Draco went to check on Hermione. The bowl of food had been left untouched, and Hermione was curled uncomfortably against the stone wall, still asleep. He inched near to her, admiring the way her hair cascaded around her shoulders, framing her face. The way she looked so peaceful and pure with her eyes closed.

With a wave of his wand, Draco levitated Hermione and gently drifted her upstairs to the bedroom. He hadn't planned on this. He had planned on keeping her in the cellar until she was a bit more obedient... but that could be done from the bedroom as well.

After he had gently laid her down onto the soft bed, he took a moment to admire her. She was still wearing the stockings from the night before. They were all bunched up and looked very uncomfortable. Draco took his hands and slowly began to peel her stockings down. He completely removed them, exposing her smooth bare legs. He gently laid his hand over her calf and began softly caressing her. Hermione stirred a little and let out a soft moan.

Draco smiled, knowing that his touch was giving her a bit of pleasure.

Hermione put a hand to her thigh and their fingers touched. She gently opened her eyes, and stared down at Draco. She didn't jump back immediately. She hesitated, and Draco sensed a smile forming on the edges of her lips. Then her eyes grew wide as though she just realized she wasn't dreaming.

Hermione moved her lips as though she wanted to say something, but instead just kept them parted as she looked around the decadent bedroom, and Draco staring tenderly at her.

She sat up and moved back, Draco's hand sliding from her thigh. She pulled the covers up around herself, bent her knees and rested her head on them, closing her eyes.

"What is going on?" She asked, more to herself than to Draco. "This might be the most surreal thing that's ever happened to me."

"Me too," Draco replied.

"You've got to be kidding," Hermione snapped. "In no world are you allowed to compare anything about this situation with me. You kidnapped me, Draco."

"I did," Draco said evenly.

"Why?" Hermione asked softly.

"Because I've wanted you for years. Didn't you know?"

"Did I know? How could I have possibly known? You've always been such a brutish bully to me!"

"Have I?" Malfoy sneered.

Hermione rolled her eyes and gave him a steely look. 

Malfoy got to his feet and walked next to Hermione. He took her chin in his hand and pushed her down on the bed. 

"What are you doing?" She cried out.

Malfoy put his hand over her mouth and began kissing her neck. Hermione scratched and kicked at him. She was strong. Malfoy doubled over with a kick to the gut, and stumbled back. In no time, he had taken his wand out and Hermione once again had her hands bound behind her back, her ankles tied together and a black ribbon around her mouth. 

Draco brushed himself off and looked down on her coldly. She wriggled on the bed. She had fallen over so she was laying flat on her stomach, trying desperately to get out of her bindings.

"Today was going to be quite nice," Draco said. "But you had to go and ruin it."

Hermione looked up at him wide eyed and teary, shaking her head.

"I'm going to let you stay here and think about what you could have done differently," Draco said. "I'll come back when you've had ample time to think of a good apology." 

Draco swiftly left the room, shutting the door hard behind him. He leaned against the door and closed his eyes, listening to the muffled sounds of Hermione's desperate attempts to cry out.

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