Chapter 13: Collared

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Hermione spent the entire day in bed. Naked. No food had been brought yet, and there had been no signs of Draco since he had taken her clothes away.

She tried to think, and wondered if she had done anything more wrong, to upset him. Perhaps her slight resistance in undressing in front of him had caused him to be upset and as punishment she wasn't to eat? Perhaps she was still being punished for trying to escape, or fight him off of her?

Or maybe he was doing this for a laugh.

However much she thought of it, she couldn't figure it out. 

It was agonizing sitting alone in the room with nothing to occupy her time. All she could do was lay and think about why Draco was doing this, and why he was continuing to punish her when she had done what he said.

It was evening, and Hermione was startled when the door opened.

In came a small box and a piece of rolled parchment. They landed softly at the foot of the bed, and Hermione hurried to see what it was.

The box seemed to be a large jewelry box.

She first unfurled the parchment, desperate to see what was written inside.

I expect you to wear this. The next time I see you, if you are not wearing it, the punishment will be severe. 

Also, I expect you to drink your dinner by getting on your hands and knees and lapping it up.

I will know if you do not comply.

- Draco

Hermione's mouth dropped and her eyes widened. Quickly she fumbled for the box and opened it. It was a collar. A black leather collar with a metal ring at the front. 

She slowly took it out of the box, touching it softly and examining it. What was he planning on doing with this? 

Her eyes glanced back toward the door, and she felt fearful of Draco walking in at any moment. What if he came in and the collar wasn't on her yet? Did he expect her to do it quickly?

It seemed a bit big for her as she held it up to her throat. She fumbled with the metal buckle, but was able to fasten it around her neck. As she did, she felt it constrict - not so tight that it choked her, but so that it was perfectly fitted to her neck. She put her hands to the back of the collar feeling for the metal buckle. It had disappeared. 

It was an enchanted collar. If it were enchanted to fit to her, it must have other properties. Hermione touched the collar some more, feeling around as if that could tell her what enchantments lay within it. 

Hermione rushed out of bed and ran to the mirror that hung on the wall to the right of the door. She surveyed her naked body, tousled bed hair and the black collar snugly in place around her throat. 

The door opened as Hermione was looking in the mirror, and she jumped.

"It suits you, pet." Draco said.

Hermione made a turn to the bed to hide her naked body beneath the blankets.

Draco grabbed her by the arm and pulled her to him. 

"Where do you think you are going, pet?" He asked smirking.

"I'm cold," Hermione said.

"Is that so?"

"Yes, I don't know if you've noticed but you haven't given me anything to wear."

"Yes I have," Draco said softly, his hand stretched out to touch the collar. "I think this is a good look for you."

"You can't keep me from wearing clothes!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Oh, but I can." Draco replied cooly. "I can do whatever I want with you. I own you." Draco ran a hand across her bare breast and  squeezed her erect nipple tightly.

"You don't own me!" Hermione winced, loosing all composure.

"If only you knew how wrong you are." Draco's voice remained calm. "And if you weren't mine before..." his voice trailed as he again reached out to touch the collar. "Well, that has changed now."

"What do you mean?" Hermione cried. "What enchantments are on this collar?"

"This collar..." Draco trailed off, moving away from Hermione to pace around the room. "It is special."

"Yes, but what does it do?" Hermione let out a sob.

"There is only one way that it can ever come off," Draco said.

"How?" Hermione was crying now.

"Now telling you," he stopped in his tracks and smirked at her, "now that would take all the fun out of this." 

Draco turned and left the room without saying another word.

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