Chapter 3: Taking Granger

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Finding Hermione hadn't been difficult. All he had to do was follow Hermione around for a bit. Okay, some may call it stalking, but Draco didn't like to see it that way. He was simply keeping watch over what would soon be his.

He hated watching her spend all her time with that Weasley. He could feel bursts of hatred rising up whenever he saw them touch. He hated the way he made her laugh. The way she looked at him.

What he was trying to figure out now, was when and where to take her, and under what conditions. It was so tempting to shove it in that rotten Weasley's face that Hermione was to be his, and only his. Draco's. Not Ron's. Yet, Draco thought better of that. Instead, he had decided that taking her in secret would be the best option. Having her disappear with no leads tracing back to him. Besides, he was planning on keeping her at the manor. If Weasley went around yelling to anyone who would listen that she was with Draco, well... Draco didn't want the attention.

One day, when Draco was eavesdropping on Hermione and Weasley at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor, he heard Hermione casually mention to Weasley that she was missing her parents, and how she wanted to make a call to them when they got back to the burrow. Weasley grunted back at her, and continued to gobble down his ice cream.

And that's when his plan began to materialize.

The Weasley's had installed a muggle telephone in their home when Hermione moved in so that she could call them. Arthur Weasley who was obsessed with muggles was more than happy to oblige.

All Draco had to do was disguise his voice (the spell mutare vocem should do it), posing as Hermione's mother or father, and convince Hermione to go away to see her parents. Getting her parents away was childs play, of course.

Draco began calling. Nearly every time he called, Ronald would answer the telephone. This actually worked in Draco's favor - he just needed to pose as Hermione's mother, begging Ron to get Hermione to visit alone as she missed her so much, and to please not tell Hermione that she had called... and voila! He barely needed magic to get her alone. Well, maybe a little magic. Draco found it highly amusing that Weasley would be to blame for the disappearance in his girlfriend... especially when it came to light that the Grangers had never called at all!

And now, Draco was standing in a bathroom in Australia, marveling at his new captive. She was so vulnerable, her cheeks reddening as she tried to shield her body from his eyes. She could tell she was having a dilemma of whether or not to get up and try to get her wand back from him, naked, or if she would stay there trying to talk her way into him giving her his wand. Either way, Draco was finally having a good time.

The way she demanded her wand back was adorable. He casually twirled it in his fingers, even taking a few steps closer so that she could barely reach. He wanted her to try and get it. He wanted her to leap from the tub and try to take it from him.

"Draco, I don't know what you're doing here, but please give me my wand and give me some privacy," Hermione said in an enticing breathy voice.

"Come get it," Draco said, smiling down at the squirming Hermione.

"I will not!" She shouted.

Draco laughed. This was going to be fun.

"Fine," Draco sighed. "But I'm going to make you wish you had."

"What do you mean?" She whispered.

"I'm going to make you wish you had tried to fight harder for your freedom," he said, grinning. "Did you want some clothes?"

"Yes," Hermione said, her hands covering her breasts, her legs crossed beneath the water. The bubbles had already begun to disappear, soon they would be all gone and she would be totally exposed.

"Get up and get them then," he said.

"Not until you give me some privacy!" She yelled.

"You won't be getting any privacy, Granger," Draco replied.

He walked out of the bathroom door, grabbing the towel she had left on his way out. He left the door open and sat down on the bed so he was directly facing the bathtub, and able to watch her every move.

Draco was very patient - he had exercised extreme patience and restraint for a long time. He sat in silence for ten minutes or so, watching Hermione try to twist and hide herself behind the bath tub, glancing at him angrily.

"Is the water cold yet?" He asked.

"It's freezing, thanks for asking," she scoffed.

Draco's eyes moved to the folded pile of clothes she had laid out on the bed. A t-shirt, jeans, sweater, and a pair black lacey panties along with a matching bra. He took the shirt, jeans and sweater and threw them out the window.

"What the hell are you doing?" Hermione yelled frantically.

"Just getting rid of what you don't need," Draco said. "Here, I'll give you some privacy to come get dressed." He walked to the other side of the room and grabbed a robe that was hanging up. He set it on the bed. "There. I'll be waiting outside the room," he said.

Draco walked to the door, opened and shut it, but did not walk through. He only wanted her thinking that he had walked out. Soon enough she would come out. He hid behind the open door of the bathroom.

It took Hermione a good five more minutes of waiting and deliberating before she finally stood from the bathtub.

As she emerged from the bathroom, Draco was quick to slam the door shut.

Hermione ran to the bed, throwing the blankets all around her to cover herself. Draco was still able to get a good look before she did so.

Draco walked over to the bed, and ran his hand across Hermione's cheek, wiping away a tear that had fallen there.

"Confundus," Draco muttered, flicking his wand at her. He decided it was best to have her confused before immobilizing her and taking her back to his manor.

"Let's go home, my pet," Draco whispered into Hermione's ear before putting his arms around her shoulder. Together they disapparated and arrived at the Malfoy Manor.

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