Chapter 28: Abandoned

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"Isn't it nice inside?" Draco mused. It seemed like a rhetorical question.

Hermione didn't answer, but instead looked up at him expectantly, waiting for him to continue.

"I'm deciding on your punishment," Draco continued. "As much as I want to enjoy you, I think the punishment should be in line with your misdeed, don't you think pet?"

Hermione remained silent, her eyes widening while continuing to look up at him expectantly.

Draco stared down at Hermione, smirking. This went on for only a few minutes, but to Hermione it felt like an eternity.

"What are you going to do to me?" She asked.

"Oh, is my pet curious?" He grinned. "Well, I suppose we'll get you ready then. Follow me," Draco commanded.

Hermione continued to walk on all fours as he led her through the house and up the staircase. Her knees were so sore, she winced each time she put them down on the floor. They felt raw by the time they had arrived to the bedroom.

Draco tied the leash to the bedpost and told her to stay. She did as instructed and waited, while Draco went to the closet and began rummaging around.

He emerged holding two pieces of white cloth. Upon further inspection, they looked like a white lace bikini top and bottom. Hermione winced, realizing he was going to make her wear the thing.

"Stand up," Draco ordered.

Hermione did, feeling immense relief wash over her as she was allowed to get off of her raw, aching knees.

"Good girl," Draco said. He said it in a tone that made her feel warm, and she hated him for it.

Draco ran a hand down her back, caressing her. Slowly, he moved his hand to her front. Hermione stares down at the placement of his hands. They were undoing the first button of the blue sundress she had been wearing all day. Hermione gulped, but kept her eyes fixed on his hands. They moved so slowly, taking his time to undo each button. When he got to her chest, he let her breasts spill out of her dress. He paused.

Draco ran his hands over her exposed breasts, feeling them, massaging them, and gently tugging on her nipples.

Then he knelt down a bit and moved his mouth to one of her nipples while keeping a hand on her other breast. He began sucking her, flicking his tongue across the top of her pink round nipple. He drew back to blow softly on it, and her nipple became as erect as possible. He repeated this to the other nipple. When he seemed to be satisfied he pulled back and began unbuttoning the rest of her dress. He gently slid each strap of the dress aside each of her shoulders. The dress fell in a heap around Hermione's feet. He stooped down to gently pull her white panties around her ankles.

"Step out of them," he whispered.

She did as she was told.

First he presented her with the white bikini bottom.

He held it out by her feet and gestured for her to step into them. She did, and he pulled them up so they covered her.

Next, he took the white lace covered bikini top and got behind her. He slowly pressed the bikini top against her breasts, and took his time typing the straps in the back, and the ones around her neck.

"There," he said. "I like this outfit on you."

Hermione could feel her face turning hot from embarrassment. She had just been standing naked before him, but for some reason when he took a step back to look at her in this skimpy bikini it made her feel self conscious. She wanted to cover herself so badly, but as she made a move to cover her stomach with her hands Draco shook his head quickly and she immediately dropped her hands to her side.

Draco gently lifted his hand to grab the end of the leash that had fallen slack to Hermione's side.

"Since you so desperately wanted out," Draco whispered in Hermione's ear, "I'm going to let you have some time outside."

Draco led Hermione out of the bedroom, down the stairs and outside to the back of the mansion. There was an enormous pool, carved in marble that overlooked the beach and rows of palm trees. Draco led Hermione a little ways from the pool toward a lone palm tree that stood a short distance from the pool and the mansion.

"Let's see if you can learn to appreciate the hospitality I've shown you, allowing you a bed to sleep in, and a roof over your head, shall we?" Draco smiled.

Hermione stared at him wide-eyed, disbelieving what she thought he was implying.

Draco tied the leash to the trunk of the palm.

"Enjoy being out," Draco grinned, before swiftly turning and heading back inside, leaving Hermione alone and tied to the palm.

Naturally, Hermione's first impulse was to attempt to undo the knot that held her to the tree. It was no use. She struggled with the knots and realized that, of course, it was bound by magic. The more she struggled, the more she hurt, and she quickly tired herself.

Hermione curled up at the base of the palm tree, sitting herself down gently. She could feel her eyes beginning to well up with tears. She couldn't believe the sick and twisted mind of Draco Malfoy. It was a warm day but the ocean breeze was running cold chills through her body. Her skin prickled and goosebumps covered her exposed skin.

She found herself again wishing Draco would come back. She hated that he played these games with her, making her miss him and want him to come back.

Hours seemed to pass. The sun was setting and the cold was beginning to become unbearable. It didn't help that there was nothing to occupy her mind except the rough ocean chill, and her mind which could focus on nothing but the cold and her desire to be unchained from the towering palm.

"Draco," Hermione called out to the house. "Please come back," she shouted. "Draco I'm sorry, please let me back inside."

No answer came.

She tried shouting again, her eyes scanning the house.

She could make out a silhouette standing on the terrace. Draco. Arms on his hips, statuesque, unmoving. He was watching her. He could hear her.

"Draco please," she cried out again.

She watched the silhouette of Malfoy turn and walk inside, the curtains closing behind him.

She waited, anticipating him walking outside to come unchain her.

He didn't come.

She tried to make a bed for herself out of some palm fronds that were scattered around her. They were rough and itchy, but a slight improvement from the rocks and gravel that littered the ground. She curled up, tucking her knees up to her chest and holding them tightly.

Would he come for her? How long was he going to leave her here?

Yes, Draco (Dramione BDSM) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now