Chapter 20: Leashed

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Draco led Hermione towards the back of the gilded mansion. The far wall of the mansion was lined with glass doors overlooking a back yard that had an infinity pool overlooking a tropical beach. Hermione wondered where they could possibly be. They certainly weren't in Britain anymore.

"Where are we?" Hermione asked as Draco led her to a candlelit bistro table overlooking the ocean.

Draco pulled out a chair for Hermione and smirked at her question.

"We are at one of my many homes," Draco replied. "Muggle real estate is a steal."

"Yes, But -" Hermione was cut off.

"And guess what else?" Draco said with a smile.

Hermione cocked her head, waiting to hear what else.

Draco grinned and gestured around them. "The entire island is mine as well, pet."

Hermione's eyes widened and she looked around, really taking in the scenery for the first time. She watched the ocean waves caressing the sand as they gently lapped the white sand. She watched the rustling of palm leaves, and could hear exotic birds chirping in the distance, from what in the dim light looked like it could be rain-forest.

"Impressive," she said cautiously. She didn't want to sound too impressed, but she also didn't want to hurt his ego. She was afraid of what might happen then.

"It is impressive, isn't it?" Draco leaned back in his chair. "Aren't you curious what's on the menu tonight, pet?"

"What... what is on the menu?" Hermione asked.

"I'm still trying to decide if I want to romance you in the normal way, or..." His face got serious. "Or if I want to break you in and show you that you have no choice but to be mine."

"Do I have a say in this?" Hermione asked.

"No," Draco sighed. "In fact, if you try to have a say in it whatsoever, I'm going to have to go the third route."

"What is the third route?"

"Punishment for making me choose the third route," Draco smiled.

Hermione couldn't help but notice how handsome his face looked in the moonlight, even as he was saying these awful things to her. Even as she was in this bizarre and unreal situation, she hated herself for admiring the curve of his jawline and the way his eyes gazed at her with such intensity. She hated that she was noticing these things in this moment, after he had threatened her with punishment.

Draco smirked. "Good pet, you're learning how to keep quiet when it's in your best interest."

Hermione didn't dare say she had forgotten to reply because she was admiring his stupid jawline.

She felt her face flush, and before she could control herself she scowled at Draco and got up. She turned around and started to walk away.

"Bad idea," Draco called out after her.

Draco stood abruptly from his chair, a smirk growing across his face. He raised his hand, his palm outstretched toward Hermione. 

"Leash," he whispered.

Hermione was stopped in her tracks as she felt a tugging coming from her neck. A metal chain had grown from the collar that Draco had put on her, and he was holding the end, jerking it toward him. Hermione instinctively put her hands to her neck trying to take the collar off, but it was no use.

"You are mine," he snarled at her. "I can do whatever I want with you - don't you dare forget who is in charge here." 

"Let me go," Hermione screamed, trying to tug back against the collar and the chain. Draco was reeling her in tightly.

"You weren't saying that when you were straddling and kissing me on the way here," he smiled. 

Draco pulled her so close to him that she was pressed up against his chest. Draco pulled her in closer and placed his hands around her waist. 

"Kiss me," he ordered.

"Let me go," Hermione sobbed.

"Fine," Draco said coldly. "We'll do this the hard way."

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