Chapter 12: Bare

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When Hermione awoke she was alone. She could feel the empty space behind her where Draco had spent the evening cradling her in his arms. 

She felt alone.

She didn't get up immediately. She lay there, eyes closed, thinking back to the night before. She thought of how tenderly Draco had held her, the sweet kisses planted on the back of her head. 

Hermione bolted upright and shook her head, putting her hands over here eyes and trying to get this feeling out of her mind. The feeling of missing him, of feeling as though he were somehow protecting her. She knew that wasn't right. There was no way she could miss her captor! She told herself that she was being illogical, that she was allowing herself to be caught up in his game. Of course he would be sweet and tender to her after the brutal violence that he had done to her. She was still sore from his punishment, could still feel the pain inflicted upon her. And she could still feel his warmth, his soft strong arms holding her as though to keep her safe. 

She wondered if he was out for the day, or if he was still at home. She wondered what he did during the day. The only thing she knew about his life was what he had shown her... and that wasn't a whole lot. 

Hermione's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening. 

Draco was standing there, wearing a black and white suit and shiny polished black dress shoes. He looked like a powerful CEO or businessman. Shivers went down Hermione's spine as she realized that she had been admiring his looks. 

"Good morning pet," Draco said softly.

"Good morning," Hermione murmured.

"Stand up." Draco ordered.

Hermione did as she was told.

"I see you are still in your sleeping gown," his eyes narrowed. "I think it's time to change."

"Fine," Hermione snarked. "But can I please have some privacy?"

"No," Draco said. "I want you to take that off. Right now."

Hermione felt tears begin to well up in her eyes. She didn't want to disrobe in front of him like this. She felt so vulnerable.

"Now!" Draco barked. "And don't make me tell you again."

Hermione closed her eyes and began to slowly slip down the silk beige nightgown that she was wearing. There was a chill in the room and she felt her nipples grow hard as she pulled the gown down. 

"Panties too," Draco said.

Hermione felt a stifled sob in her throat as she slowly slipped her panties onto the floor and stepped out of them.

"There," she said. "Are you happy now?"

"I am," Draco replied, smirking. He walked towards her, so close that if Hermione had taken a deep breath her breasts would have heaved against his suit. "I like you like this," Draco whispered. "I think I'll keep you this way.

Draco took a few steps back from Hermione, and waved his wand which had been attached to his side. Her clothes flew gracefully toward him, and he plucked them out of the air. He smiled and without saying another word, walked out of the room, leaving Hermione naked and shivering.

As soon as the door had shut, Hermione rushed to the closet to put on some clothes.

It was bare.

There was nothing inside at all.

She rushed back to the bed where she burrowed herself under the blankets, naked, vulnerable and afraid. 

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