Chapter 15: The Kiss

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Hermione shivered through the night. It was nearly impossible to get comfortable with her arms tied behind her back. She thought back to the night before - how Draco had so gently cradled her in his arms.

She found herself hoping he would come back - wishing that he would wrap his strong arms around her cold shivering body and hold her close to him.

She shook her head. What was she thinking? How could she be craving her tormentors touch after the things he had done to her?

She pulled hard against the bonds tying her wrists together, squirming around and curling up to try to warm herself.

Sleep did not come.

Only discomfort and a mind that wouldn't stop incessant thoughts of Draco.

"Hello pet," Draco's voice whispered, startling Hermione. She hasn't heard the door.

He was bent over her, his lips so close to her ear they were almost touching her.

"Draco," Hermione's voice cracked.

"Did you learn your lesson?"

"Yes," Hermione whispered. "Draco, please... please will you untie me?"

"Hmm," Draco sat down on the bed next to her, and as he let out a little him ran his hand slowly across her naked form. "I will consider it."

"Consider it?" Hermione asked.

"Yes," he said cool. "I will untie you for a kiss."

"A kiss?" Hermione gulped. "Just a kiss?"

"A real kiss," he said. "I want you to kiss me like you're madly in love with me."

"What?" Hermione was taken aback.

"You are going to kiss me, and you are going to make me believe that you want to kiss me more than anything in the world. If you can convince me you want it, I will untie you."

"Okay," Hermione whispered.

Draco grabbed Hermione firmly by the arms and flipped her onto her back, exposing her completely to him.

Draco smirked at the sight of her firm breasts with her soft pink erect nipples.

Hermione wriggled.

"Sit up and kiss me," Draco ordered.

Hermione squirmed around, trying to sit upright. She felt her cheeks turn red as she blushed, thinking about how ridiculous she must look naked and squirming. Why did she feel embarrassed? Why did she care what he might think of her?

With much effort Hermione managed to raise herself to a sitting position. Draco then held her shoulders and hoisted her up into his lap, so her legs wrapped around his back.

She looked into his eyes, which had grown soft. He looked... vulnerable, almost sweet.

Hermione brought her face close to his, and tilted her head slightly.

She closed her eyes and pressed her lips to his, kissing him slowly at first, and then hard, pressing her breasts against his chest, and passionately entwining her tongue with his.

She forgot about where she was. She just kissed him with everything that she had.

Draco took her chin in his hand gently and lifted it so that she was looking directly into his eyes.

"Good girl," he said, before kissing her again. He put his hand behind the back of her head, gently grabbing her hair, his other hand running down her back, and down to her wrists where he unfastened them.

Instead of trying to escape, Hermione took her newly freed hands and wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders, pulling him closer towards her.

"Thank you, Draco," Hermione whispered in his ear before going back in for another kiss. It felt so good to kiss him, and to feel his body like this.

And then... he pulled away.

"Soon you really will mean it," he said smoothly.

"What?" Hermione asked, feeling in a daze and shocked at the abrupt end to their intimate moment.

He looked as though he were going to stand up, but then he pushed her down against the bed, pinning her wrists above her head and climbing on top of her.

"I could take you right now, you know," he said.

Hermione gulped, saying nothing.

He ran one of his hands down her neck, over her breast, down her stomach, and hovered between her legs. He ran a finger between her thighs, leaving a finger to rest gently on her clit.

"Oh my," he said. "It seems as though someone is very wet."

He stuck a finger deep inside of her, and she let out a gasp.

He brought his hand back out and brought his finger to her lips.

"Suck it all off. I want you to taste how much you want me," he said.

Hermione could feel the tears coming again, but feared the punishment that would come if she disobeyed.

She took his finger in his mouth and gently sucked on it, running her tongue around his finger, licking off the wetness on his finger.

Draco smiled.

"Good girl," he said. "You're almost ready."

"Ready for what?" Hermione asked in a whisper.

Draco took her hand and gently glided it to his pants, letting her feel the giant hard bulge there.

"You're almost ready for this," he whispered.

Hermione was about to protest, but he put his hand to her lips. "Not tonight pet," he said. "But soon..." he eyed her hungrily. "I am going to have you completely, whether you think you want it or not."

Draco got up, and left Hermione laying on the bed naked, feeling the wetness between her legs dripping onto the bed.

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