Chapter Three

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What was he going to do?


It was pretty much late afternoon right now, and Chris has been aimlessly wandering around the city since he arrived. He didn't exactly know what to do.

Although he hasn't been there for very long, almost everyone knew he was there. Most people that he encountered on the streets just took a glance at him, and immediately knew he was.

As proven by their reactions.

Chris was surprised that none of them have called the police on him, to be honest. He was sure that at least some of them would be strong enough to actually do something about it.

What a bunch of cowards.

But he couldn't really laugh about that since he was literally one too.

Chris continued down the sidewalk, the people in front of them only needing to look at him once to move out of the way.

He felt like a king.


Chris eyed the sky that now had a setting sun. He needed to stay somewhere. He really couldn't stay awake for another night.

He could probably just be like any other ordinary peasant and stay at a hotel for the night.

Well, where else would he go?

Chris continued to walk, considering his non-existent options.

It seemed that staying at a hotel for the night would be the best option.

Chris sighed, glancing around the city. Time to find somewhere to stay.


Chris pretty much walked into the first hotel he saw. Luckily, it didn't seem like a one-star establishment, because that would be really bad.

Maybe he should check Yelp.

Chris walked up to the front desk, which was currently occupied by a young man who was typing away on a computer. Chris leaned on the desk. "Hi, I'd like to book a room."

The man looked up. "Hello, uh, for how many nights would you be..."

Chris noticed that as the man trailed off, something changed in his friendly gaze.

The man recognized him.

Fear clearly overtaking him, the man jumped back, immediately pulling out his phone to presumably call the police. "It's y-you! Please don't h-hurt me."

Chris internally chuckled. Getting a fearful reaction from him just acting normal is probably one of Chris' favorite things.

It was just so funny.

Chris rolled his eyes, using his telekinesis to flick the phone out of the man's hands. "Look, I won't hurt you as long as you do what I say."

The man nodded quickly. "O-okay."

Chris intimidatingly leaned forward. "And if you call the authorities, I will find you and take everything from you. Do you understand?"

The man nodded again. "Yes. Yes, I do."

Chris smiled an actual genuine-looking smile. "Good. Now, can I book a room?"

The man stepped back to in front of the computer. "Y-yeah... sure... for h-how many nights?"

Chris shrugged casually, contrasting the intimidating character he took on early. "Uh, one I guess."

The man timidly tapped a few keys on his computer, reading out the price for it with a shaky voice. Chris pulled out the money necessary, sliding it to the man.

The man took the money with a shaky hand before getting a card from under the desk. "H-here... your room n-number is 317."

Chris took the card and pocketed it, adjusting the backpack on his back right after. "Thank you so much. Have a great day!"

Chris turned and walked towards the elevator before he could see the man's reaction, but he was probably very confused at Chris' niceness.

It's honestly so funny.

Chris pressed the button for the elevator with his thumb, the doors sliding open immediately. Chris stepped in, turning to face the lobby as the doors of the elevator closed. Chris pressed the button for the third floor.

The man at the front desk was just staring at him the whole time.

Chris jokingly gave the man a friendly wave which caused the confused look on the man's face to become even more prominent.

Then the doors shut completely.

Chris tapped his foot as the elevator began to ascend, bobbing his head slightly to the calm elevator music.

His casual demeanor was a bit misleading though because, under all of it, he was still as stressed and angry as before.

Chris stepped out as the elevator doors slid back open, beginning to walk immediately. Chris muttered to himself. "What was it? 327?"

Chris pulled the card out, reading the scrawled pen written on it, chuckling to himself. "Oh, it's 317, I'm such an idiot."

Chris quickly located the correct room, opening it and walking inside.

The room was quite basic. A single large bed laid in the center of the room, a nightstand sitting on the left of it. A basic-looking lamp sat on it, matching the lighting on the other side of the room. On the opposite side of the bed, a television was placed on the wall, a desk sitting below it. Another door was right next to the front door, which Chris assumed was the bathroom.

Chris shut the door quickly and walked in, setting his backpack on the ground and immediately flopping on the bed.

He hasn't slept in over a day so he wasn't surprised when sleep overtook him almost immediately.

A/N yeah, I didn't sleep when you told you I was going to hehe

anyways, did anyone notice the easter egg from Split I put in here? Comment whether or not you noticed it!

have an awesome day fam


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