Chapter Thirty-Four

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The two were silent for a few more seconds, looking at each other in the eyes for once with no hate involved.


Chan was caged.

Quite literally.

Chan let Minho capture him, and he was put in this strange cage-like structure. It was explained to him that it was a form of a KimTech invention that was going to be used to dampen and diminish Strike's powers in a fight. It was the only piece of KimTech equipment (other than the ones he stole) that was used since Mr. Kim's execution.

Mr. Kim certainly knew what he was doing, since he couldn't use his telekinesis.

The cage-like structure was placed in the center of a very dull gray room. The only entertainment that Chan had was his own thoughts.

Chan had no idea where he was either. He had to be knocked out during the transfer over to this prison.

Chan didn't want to know anyways. He knew he deserved this. Blinded by his anger, Chan hurt so many people and learning the truth was the only reason why he realized that.

The metal door that was on one of the walls of the gray room clanged open, a guard coming into the room. "You have a visitor."

Chan raised an eyebrow from where he was sitting in the center of the cage.

A visitor?

Who could it be?

Before he could ponder any longer, a certain person walked into the room casually, thanking the guard who then proceeded to exit and shut the metal door. The person walked up to the cage, sitting down in front of it. "Hey, Chan. How are you?"


Chan shrugged, scooting over to a position where he was in front of Minho, the only thing between them being the bars. "As good as a locked-up person could be I guess. What are you doing here?"

Minho let out a chuckle. "Why can't I visit you? I'm sure you're lonely."

Chan looked down at his hands which were clasped in his lap. "I don't know. You must be here for something."

Minho tapped his fingers on the ground. "Uh, I actually am here for something, but I also just wanted to talk to you about how you've been feeling lately and stuff I guess..."

Chan nodded, looking back up at Minho. "Oh."

Minho chuckled awkwardly. "So, uh... I guess, have you really been feeling like this towards... me ever since your family died? I just... I feel like such a bad friend and boyfriend for not noticing."

Chan sighed. "...yes, I have. I've been hiding this for quite a while and it was quite hard since I've been exposed with... erm Strike content, literally all of the time. But don't blame yourself at all! I guess I'm just good at hiding things."

Minho hummed. "I guess now that I think about it, you haven't really talked about Strike when Felix was talking about him during our lunch periods. You kind of went silent and reserved like Seungmin and I."

Chan raised an eyebrow. "Speaking of Felix actually, how is he doing? Also Changbin and Jisung I guess. I haven't seen them in ages."

Minho chuckled awkwardly once again. "I... well... I actually haven't been to school since my identity got revealed so like, I'm in the same boat as you. I'm not sure it'd be a good idea anyways since everyone knows that I'm a superhero."


The pair was silent for a few seconds before Minho spoke up. "So, uh, I was going to ask: How did you get your powers?"

Chan shifted his seating position, recalling that one night. "I touched a meteor. Remember that one night that I came back at like three in the morning and I felt so sick? I think it was the first day of school."

Minho nodded. "Oh yeah, I remember. I caught you sneaking back in... In hindsight maybe I should've realized that Crash was you because when I got my powers I also got extremely sick, and that sickness completely disappeared in the morning."

Chan raised an eyebrow. "You touched a meteor too?"

"Yeah. I did. I actually have a piece of it on my rock collection shelf."

Chan rubbed his hands together. "Yeah, I uh... know. I started having suspicions that you were Strike because I saw that piece. I brought a piece from the meteor I touched and I only realized it because they looked the same-"

Minho interrupted, curiosity filling his facial expression. "Wait, the meteor you touched was the same as the one that I did?"

Chan shook his head. "No no. The meteor I touched came freshly from space. They just looked the same."

Minho looked deep in thought. "Are we talking about the same thing? Was the meteor you touched glowing blue at first, but then it stopped glowing after you touched it?"

Chan nodded. "Uh, yeah. But it also had blue glitters when it stopped glowing."

Minho snapped his fingers. "Same for mine. Interesting. They probably came from the same planet or wherever they came from... Is telekinesis your only power?"


Minho raised his eyebrows. "Really? No faster reflexes, flight, mental improvement or more awareness of things? Nothing?"

Chan shook his head. "No. It was literally just telekinesis."

Minho propped his head on his hands. "That's a bit strange. If it's the same meteor type, I guess you could say, then why didn't you get an array of powers like me or Seungmin? Seungmin told me that you knew who he was by the way, just so you know."

Chan looked intrigued. "Seungmin also touched a meteor to get his powers?"

Minho nodded. "Yeah, he did. It was a meteor just like the one that you and I touched... can you tell me where this meteor is so I can go and observe it?"

Chan tapped his fingers together. "Uh, it was in that field outside of the city. You know which field I'm talking about. The one that I mentioned I went to sometimes."

Minho pulled something out of his pocket.

A pad of paper and a pen.

Minho began to write, muttering the words he was scrawling as he wrote. "Chan's meteor, outside field on the outskirts of the city. Near house."

Chan raised an eyebrow. "Why do you have a pad of paper?"

Minho chuckled. "So I could write down things that you told me. I would use my phone, but for security reasons, I can't bring it in here."

Chan made an "o" shape with his mouth. "I see."

Minho stuffed the pad of paper back into his pocket, spinning the pen between his fingers. "I just find it a bit interesting that you only received telekinesis from the meteor. I need to know if it's different. Also, I do need to neutralize the meteor so nobody else gets powers from it, since that could allow some unwanted villains to rise... Anyways, I actually need to get going soon. I wish I could stay and talk to you more, but I have a bit more hero and legal duties to do."

Chan nodded. "I understand. You're an important person to our society."

Minho stood up, causing Chan to also stand up. "I'll see you soon Chan. Your's, Tekit's, and Slick's trial will be soon. Just hang in there."

"Thanks, Min."

"Of course."

Chan watched as Minho walked over to the metal door and opened it, walking through but not before giving Chan one last friendly wave.

A/N there might be something important in this chapter ;)

also there's only a few chapters left, two or maybe three actually (there will be an epilogue though) I'm kind of sad because this is the end of the trilogy so its really bittersweet. i cant believe its almost over


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