Chapter Fifteen

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This was the new Crash.


Chris was feeling a bit more rested now. After gathering a bunch of cool gadgets, Chris decided to go back to one of the meeting rooms and take a nap on one of the chairs.

It wasn't comfortable, but it was better than sleeping on the floor.

Chris didn't exactly what to do now. He explored a lot of the KimTech building already, and he should probably keep on moving.

But he didn't really know where.

After thinking for a moment, Chris had an idea.

He could go back to the jet in the garage.

Sure, he did not know how to fly a jet, or even a plane for that matter, but the jet had to have a GPS or something.

Chris made his way through the hallways all the way down back to the garage area.

Chris sighed as he made his way towards the jet and opened the door to the small vehicle. Chris adjusted his backpack as he entered, going straight to the cockpit.

Chris slid his backpack off of his shoulders and sat in the pilot's seat.

How do you turn this thing on?

Chris flicked a random switch on the control panel in front of him, the whole area lighting up. The sea of buttons and switches glowed their own different colors.


Chris flicked the switch directly adjacent to the one he just flicked, a whirring noise filling the air. A slow, calming beeping noise accompanied the whirs. Simultaneously, two screens near the bottom of the control panel lit up. One of them looked like some sort of radar and the other one looked like some sort of terrain map.

Looks like there was not a GPS here.

Chris huffed and flicked the levers off, standing up while grabbing his backpack.

And that's when he realized.

Couldn't he just use Google Maps?

Mentally facepalming from his stupidity, Chris pulled out his phone, inhaling sharply as soon as he saw his battery percent.

He really needed to charge his phone.

Chris immediately spotted a power outlet on the side of the wall of the jet.

How convenient.

Chris dug his phone charger out of his backpack and plugged it in.

The phone wasn't charging.


Okay, uh, he probably needed to turn the jet on first.

Flicking the levers back on, Chris checked back onto his phone.

Good, it was actually charging now.

Chris set his phone down onto the floor of the jet. He should've done this earlier since now he has to wait.

Chris decided to explore the jet a little bit.

Walking to the back of the plane, Chris looked around. There wasn't much around here, yet there were a few items that looked like they could be notable.

The first thing that Chris spotted was some sort of envelope laying on one of the seats.

Curious, Chris picked up the envelope.

It was already ripped open, a piece of paper jammed back inside.

Chris pulled the page out. Nobody was here in ages. Mr. Kim probably would not mind him going through his mail.

It was some sort of letter.

Chris read the loopy scrawl that was on the stocky page.

Mr. Kim,

I hope this letter reaches you...

Chris looked away from the letter for a second and chuckled. How ironic.

Chris continued reading.

... I am the CEO of the well-known LeeCorp and I feel that a partnership would be quite beneficial for both of our companies. If you need convincing, please be aware that I do have some information on Strike...

Chris raised an eyebrow. Apart from the very awkward language and writing style, the implied knowledge certainly piqued his interest. LeeCorp was a company that created fitness gear. How could a company like that get information on Strike?

... I will not share unless you agree, but I do feel you would want to know. It would most definitely be able to help you against the useless, stuck-up, overrated hero. I believe that a partnership would be a great option, and it would be a joy if we could start one. Have a nice day.

Chris set the letter down. The rest of the contents was just the CEO's name.

Chris was certainly very interested now and he had so many questions.

Who was this person?

What was the letter doing here in a random jet?

Did Mr. Kim know about this when he was alive?

Why did this company have a vendetta against the hero?

And what was the information this company had on Strike?

A/N hmmmmmmmmmm


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