Chapter Thirty-Two

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Oh fuck.

Chris mentally panicked. He knew that Strike definitely saw him and he couldn't do anything about it.

He couldn't just pretend that he didn't see him either, because he knew.

Chris saw Strike start to advance towards him out of the corner of his eye.

Chris needed to do something quick.

Chris used his telekinesis to knock Strike to the ground, immediately getting up to flee the train car. Chris booked it through the train, ignoring all the strange stares he was receiving.

But then there was a slight issue.

The end of the train exists.

Stuck, Chris panicked even more. He didn't know how much time he had.

Chris spotted Strike beginning to run down the train through the cars, heading right towards him.

Where the fuck could he go?

Chris' eyes wandered around the train car when he spotted the door at the back of the car.


Chris pushed the door out with his telekinesis, gasping slightly as the metal door clanked against the railroad tracks behind him. The train was moving at such a high speed, and if he tried to jump out, he would honestly probably die.

Chris took a glance behind him, seeing Strike already in the train car in front of him.

There was no other way out. This was all he could do.

Chris suddenly had an idea.

Quickly while running towards the back door of the train, Chris turned his anti-gravity equipment back on.

Then he did something a bit different.

Chris stepped out onto the back side of the train.

Oh god, this was such a strange feeling.

Since his center of gravity was pushing into the back of the train which was continuously moving forward, it felt like he was continuously falling downwards.

Shaky, Chris managed to migrate up to the top of the train just as Strike flew out of the back of the train, looking around to see where he went.

Chris shivered. Snowflakes were pelting his face from the unbelievably high speed he was going. Standing on top of the train was a bit surreal. It was kind of like a rollercoaster with the intense winds through his air, yet it was less secure since obviously he didn't have a seatbelt.

If he fell off he'd probably die.

Strike's figure shrunk as he continued looking for Chris where he thought he jumped out when suddenly he looked back at the train. Even though Chris was quite far away now, Strike's eyes visibly widened.

Uh oh.

Strike managed to catch up to the train in literally no time, flying at high such speeds.

Chris would say he was surprised, but he's a fucking superhero for christ's sake, of course he'd be able to do that.

Strike landed on the train car in front of him, staring at Chris. "Chris! Please stop this!"

Chris growled, yelling over the wind of the train moving. "Go away Minho! Just leave me be! All you ever do is ruin everything! Just get out of my fucking life!"

Blinded by his anger, Chris ran up to Strike and tried to push him off of the side of the train. Obviously that failed.

Strike stood on the train car, completely unaffected by Chris' pushing. Strike grabbed one of Chris' hands, voice coming out pleading. "Chris, let me explain-"

Shaking Strike's hand off of his own and sending a punch with his other hand towards Strike's head, Chris responded aggressively. "Explain what? How you managed to kill my family? How you managed to fail saving them? Get away from me, traitor!"

Strike dodged the punch, sending one of his own. "Chris, you haven't let me explain anything at all! You don't understand! It wasn't my fault!"

Chris ducked, dodging the punch but almost losing balance. "Minho, leave me alone!"

Strike visibly sighed, punching Chris in the abdomen before swiping Chris' legs out from under him. The force caused Chris to stumble over, going over the edge of the train.

Fuck. He was screwed.

Chris squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for the impact of his body to hit the fast-moving ground.

But it never came.

Chris slowly opened his eyes, seeing Strike gripping his wrist, keeping him from falling off.

Strike hoisted him up, immediately putting him in a headlock. Chris began to struggle as Strike spoke up, voice coming out calming in a way that contrasted the compromising position Chris was in.

"Chris, please listen to me. Your family wasn't inside the building when your apartment building was lit on fire."

A/N i don't want to give spoilers but next chapter wjerfbwiernfcwioensiorfnciwuenrdq2ewuhkdcgfowuborieufdv8wekszdbjcdbwvehrrrrrrrrrrrrrv


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