Chapter Thirty-Five

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Chan watched as Minho walked over to the metal door and opened it, walking through but not before giving Chan one last friendly wave.


It was time for the trial.

Guards opened the cage and walked in, putting some strange looking cuffs on Chan's wrists.

One of the guards pulled Chan out of the cage. "Don't try anything. The cuffs dampen your powers too."

Chan looked up at the guard, defensively. "I wasn't going to."

"You never know."

Chan sighed. Now that he knew the truth, Chan swore to himself to never hurt anybody else again.

He was done being a supervillain.


Chan sat down in the courtroom over on the defense side.

The courtroom was bustling with life. Many people were talking in the back of the courtroom, probably discussing the anticipated trial. Outside of the courtroom stood many news reporters, there to presumably report on the trial.

It did make sense though. Three of the most infamous supervillains were going on trial for their crimes, of course it would garner a whole lot of attention.

"Hey! You don't have to push me so rough!"

A figure suddenly got pushed into the chair right next to Chan, causing Chan to jump slightly.


Hyunjin muttered, rubbing his back. "Ow, goddamn it. Why they got to be so rude?"

Chan chuckled, causing Hyunjin to shift his attention away from his pain. "Hey, Chris. How are you holding up?"

Chan shrugged. "I don't know. I'm fine, I guess... they didn't cuff you?"

Hyunjin laughed. "Well you see, I only have one arm now. Handcuffs would've been useless."

Chan eyed the place where Hyunjin's arm used to be. "Oh, right."

Suddenly another figure sat down in the chair on the other side of Hyunjin. "H-hey."

Hyunjin turned to face the new figure, eyes going wide. "Jeongin! They... muzzled you!?"

The person, Jeongin, did have something over his mouth. Probably so that he couldn't spew toxic waste and melt anyone into a puddle. Jeongin shook his head. "I-I wouldn't c-call i-it a m-muzzle. Th-that makes m-me s-sound like s-some s-sort of a-animal. It's j-just s-something th-they p-put so I c-couldn't u-use my powers."

"Your toxic waste can't melt it?"

Jeongin shrugged. "I t-tried. No l-luck."

Hyunjin turned back to Chan. "Chris, you can't use your powers either? Or..."

Chan nodded lifting up his hands slightly to display the cuffs. "These things block my telekinesis. I can't use it."

Hyunjin sighed, leaning back in his chair. "Well, look at us. We were once so powerful, but now... we're basically normal humans now. We can't do anything."

Jeongin also sighed. "I-I c-can't believe w-we got c-caught."

Chan nodded slowly. "Right. I don't really have much hope for our lives right now. We did a lot of bad stuff, worse than Mr. Kim. Remember what happened to him?"

Hyunjin nodded, sitting back up. "He got a death sentence."

The trio went silent for a few seconds before Chan spoke up. "No matter what happens, I don't know about you guys, but I'll be fine with it. We couldn't have done all of this without consequences."

Jeongin nodded slowly, shivering unintentionally. "Honestly s-same. I d-don't c-care if I d-die. I sh-should've d-died a l-long t-time ago a-anyways, b-but... I'm g-glad I l-lived a b-bit longer, otherwise I w-wouldn't h-have m-met you t-two."

Hyunjin spoke up too, a certain fondness in his voice. "I also don't care. Villainy is tough and I don't really envision myself doing this kind of thing for another forty-something years. I already tarnished my reputation enough, my life can never necessarily be normal after this. But yeah, even through all this, I'm glad to call you two my friends."

Chan gave the two a small smile. "I agree. Thank you guys for being here for me when I was doubting my life and everything in it. I really really appreciate it."

"Yeah. We'll be here together till the end."

"Order in the court!"

Chan turned his attention to the front of the courtroom, seeing a man in judge's attire, sitting behind the judge's pedestal.

Silence enveloped the room.

The Bailiff of the courtroom stood up and walked to the front of the room, his voice coming out authoritatively. "All rise!"

Chan along with everyone else in the room stood. The Bailiff continued speaking, gesturing towards the Judge. "Act One of the court is now in session. Judge Jongho presiding. Everyone, please be seated."

Judge Jongho began speaking. "Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I hope you all are doing well. Calling the case of..."

Time for the trial.

A/N yes i brought Judge Jongho back (for those that read one of my other books, Aware) I just love Judge Jongho and whenever there's a court scene Im literally going to always make Jongho the judge, like idk why but yes. i love Judge Jongho. stan Judge Jongho.

Also, unlike Aware in which I wrote a full detailed court scene, I don't think I will for this because the court scene in Aware took three full 1500 word chapters and I don't feel like that content is necessary for the plot development in this case. so yeah, sorry if you wanted a full court scene.

(go read Aware if you like horror or themes that make you uncomfy [in a good way, don't worry])


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