Chapter Twenty

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"Well, you don't have to anymore, Chan. I'm right here."

Chris froze.

Uh oh.

Turning around very slowly, Chris spotted two figures standing there. Yes, Strike was standing there, but he also brought along his sidekick. The two were wearing their own superhero costumes, presumably so they could match since Mega's identity hasn't been revealed to the public yet.

Mega was standing behind Strike, glaring daggers at Chris and his friends.

Chris glared back before turning his gaze to his worst enemy.

Strike stood there, arms crossed in a stance that radiated confidence and authority. His cape flowed behind him gracefully, the silky texture only accentuating his hero-like figure.

As a public figure, Strike really knew what to do look really cool.

Too bad he was going to die.

Without hesitation, Chris quickly lifted his air bazooka and shot it towards the two heroes, stumbling back from the force as he didn't have time to get into a more stable stance. Hyunjin quickly stepped towards him and caught Chris before he fell to the asphalt.

That was a close call.

Chris stood back up, shooting Hyunjin a quick smile. "Thanks."

"Of course."

The two heroes were currently flying up through the air. Obviously, they were able to dodge the blast of air that Chris just shot because well, they have a lot of fighting experience.

Mega swiped his arm through the air, creating a blade of icy wind heading right towards the trio of villains. Simultaneously, Strike flew straight towards the ground and punched the asphalt, a crack spreading from the impact.


Chris jumped out of the way from the large crack on the floor, but immediately had to duck to dodge the blade of cold. To counter, Chris shot another blast of air in the heroes' general direction. 

Jeongin projectile shot three blasts of toxic waste towards Mega who was still in the air. Predictably, Mega expertly dodged every single projectile.

But he couldn't keep up.

Hyunjin threw his robotic hand forward, the technological hand being extended by some sort of giant wire.


Mega couldn't dodge that.

The wire wrapped around Mega, constricting him.

He couldn't escape.

While Mega was struggling, Hyunjin pressed a button on his robotic arm, an electric current suddenly running through the wire. Mega screamed as he got electrocuted, falling to the floor like a ragdoll.

That's one down.

While this was all happening, Chris was fighting off his worst enemy.

Chris picked up some of the remains of the building and threw them at Strike with his telekinesis before running towards him. Strike kicked one of the chunks of building back, returning back to the ground and sending a powerful punch towards Chris' stomach.


Chris countered by sending his own punch towards Strike, an uppercut straight to Strike's jaw. Strike stumbled back a bit but recovered almost immediately by sending two more punches followed by a roundhouse kick. 

Chris fell to the ground.

But hope wasn't all lost. He still had a few more tricks up his sleeve.

Reaching into his pocket, Chris pulled out one of the metal cylinders and quickly activated it behind his back, the familiar dagger now resting in his hands.

Chris waited for Strike to get a bit closer before he struck.

Strike took another step before Chris suddenly used his telekinesis to shoot and dig the dagger right into Strike's left shoulder.

Dammit, he missed the heart.

Eyes wide and jaw dropped in sudden shock, Strike stumbled back. Chris kicked Strike into the stomach, causing the hero to fall to the floor right next to the passed out body of Mega.


Chris walked up to the two heroes and loomed over them, Hyunjin and Jeongin standing next to him.

"How do you feel now, you shits?"

A/N oops :)


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