Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"They're here."

Hyunjin spoke up. "Where did they say they were again?"


Hyunjin muttered, repeating Chris' word before looking between the two other villains. "Downtown. We're basically downtown right now, it's within walking distance. Alright, let's go."

The three villains hopped out of the van, Uno game completely forgotten. Chris grabbed his backpack as he exited.

It's time.


Snow was falling down quite frequently now, the sky becoming basically a flurry. It was a bit hard to see far, but two distinct flying shapes were spotted in the sky.

The three villains almost immediately spotted the two heroes once they turned the corner down one of the streets.

Strike and Mega were currently flying through the sky, presumably coming back from stopping crime.

Let's change that.

Chris used his telekinesis to lift up a snow-covered car, throwing it right at the heroes.

That definitely got their attention.

Strike caught the car in midair, setting it down onto the road in a casual manner. Mega landed right behind him, the two walking up to the trio.

Chris gave a nod. "Hey, Minho. Fuck you."

Strike stopped about a meter in front of Chris, letting out a sigh. "Chan, stop doing thi-"

Chris gave Strike the middle finger before reaching into his pocket and taking out the compacted air bazooka, immediately transforming it and shooting a blast of air directly at Strike. "No."

Strike expertly stepped out of the way, allowing the blast of air to only hit the falling snow. "Stop!"

Chris scoffed. As if he would ever listen to Strike.

Chris flicked his hand up, cars levitating in the air. "Guys, come on."

Hyunjin and Jeongin slid out, beginning their own ways of mass destruction.

Jeongin began to spew toxic waste on the bases of the buildings lining the sides. The buildings began to creak, their foundations now being almost gone.

Hyunjin started to basically attack the pedestrians that were walking on the sidewalk.

The people walking were all now running away in fear, the mass chaos starting in the blink of an eye.

Chris used his telekinesis to upturn the road beneath them, causing every single thing sitting on it to flip.

Although this wasn't planned, it definitely seemed like it.

Chris chuckled. This was going absolutely great.

Suddenly, Chris lost balance. Falling to the ground, Chris basically ate snow.

What the fuck?

Chris slowly turned over, backpack pressing into his back. He slowly pushed himself up, noticing a figure looming over him.


Strike from where he was let out a beam of fire from his hands towards Jeongin's direction while simultaneously kicking Chris to keep him down. Strike growled, speaking in a bitter tone. "You guys will not be victorious. What are you guys doing here anyways?"

Chris tried to crawl away, grunting while gritting his teeth. "To kill you."

Strike seemed to be a bit taken aback by that such straightforward and threatening response. "Huh-"

Chris used his hesitance to his advantage, kicking Strike as hard as he could in the shins. Chris glared at Strike as he scrambled up, voice coming out more bitter than plain coffee.  "We're here to take you down, Minho. Your days of being good are over. Fuck you."

Chris then immediately used his telekinesis to lift up four whole cars up into the sky one after the other, smashing each one into buildings on the sides.

Hyunjin came rushing into the center of the street holding two random pedestrians in headlocks. Getting the memo, Chris lifted up two more cars and lifted them over the street, ready to drop them when necessary. Almost immediately after, the street was enveloped in darkness as the result of Jeongin melting the power lines into puddles.

Mega flew over up next to Strike the two heroes looking at the now congregated villains.

Chris chuckled, beginning to sweat from lifting up the cars for such a long time.

"Hey, you shits. Take a step forward and we'll kill these bitches and it'll be all your fault. You wouldn't want the public to hate you again, would you?"

A/N my crush literally has no right being this attractive like sir please stop oh my god

also i have a test tomorrow and i didn't study for the sole reason of not wanting to study. oops. im screwed. yay. (i forgot to upload this yesterday so i took the test today and i literally failed like I'm not even joking I'm 100% i got an F I'm so screwed)


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