Chapter Seven

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What is he going to do now?

Chris leaned against the wall of the alleyway, breathing heavy.

He needed to get out of here.

Once Chris' breathing leveled out, he reached into his pocket to grab his phone to figure out where he could go. Once his phone was halfway out of his pocket, Chris froze.

He was missing something.

His backpack was still in the hotel room.


Chris couldn't go anywhere without since it literally had everything he owned and needed.

He needed to go retrieve it.

Shoving his phone back into his pocket, Chris began to exit the alleyway, keeping his head low. He wouldn't want somebody to recognize him now.

Chris made his way all the way back to the scene of his and Strike's fight, suddenly getting slightly nervous.

Was Strike still there?

Chris looked around the scene, now seeing police cars and firetrucks filling the area. Chris wasn't necessarily surprised.

He made quite a mess.

Chris slowed down his walking pace and avoided eye contact with the authorities, turning down the side of the hotel building to enter the side entrance. Once there, Chris blew a sigh of relief.

Chris walked up the stairs and onto the third floor, thankfully not encountering anybody. Chris quickly located his room, groaning when he realized something.

He left his key card in the room.


Chris shrugged and just used his telekinesis to break the door in.

The amount of property damage that Chris has done in the past twenty-four hours is probably in the millions.

Chris quickly located his backpack, slinging it onto his shoulder, and immediately leaving.

Time to get out of here.


As soon as Chris stepped outside, he felt that something was wrong.

But he didn't know what.

His questions were answered quite quickly.

"Hey! That's him, isn't it?"

Chris froze, turning his head slightly to spot a group of police officers staring at him.


Chris didn't want to deal with any of their shit, so he threw a car at them with his telekinesis and started booking it down the street.

He got his backpack, he could literally just leave. There was no reason for him to stay anymore.

He was getting out of there.

A/N this is probably my fastest growing book like right off the bat, I have so many readers. But then again, this is part of a series, so I already have a lot of established readers anyways so oof.

Also, the thing that Chris was missing that I asked you all to guess in the authors note of the last chapter was his backpack like bruh it was literally that simple I'm crying (although reading this chapter, you probably already figured that out.)

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