Chapter Eight

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He was getting out of there.

Chris continued to run for a while until a very distinguished sound rang out through the streets.

Police sirens.

Obviously, throwing a car at a couple of police officers wasn't going to stop them, they were literally the law.

Chris took a quick glance behind him and saw bright blue and red lights flash quite far back. Most of the traffic stopped, clearly abiding by the law.

The police had quite a clear path to where he was.

Chris slid into a different street as soon as he arrived at an intersection. He needed to get the police off of his tail.

Chris continued to run, willing his body to run even faster while taking another risky glance back.

The police turned down the same street that he did.


Well, if you think about it, Chris wasn't surprised. He was the only person on the sidewalk that was running away from the police cars. Of course, he'd draw attention.

Chris' path twisted down many different streets, trying to lose the police but failing. He knew that he couldn't outrun a car. It's just not humanely possible.

Soon enough, the police cars were trailing pretty much aside him as he was starting to get fatigued.

This wasn't good.

The officer in the passenger seat of the car rolled his window down, shouting something about stopping, but his words were getting distorted by the wind.

Chris ignored the officer and slid into an alleyway. The police couldn't follow him through there.

Chris took that chance to catch his breath. He hasn't ran this hard in ages.

Chris wiped his sweaty palms on his pants before pulling out his phone. He needed to figure out where to go.

That didn't last long though as he heard car doors slamming shut.

Chris' eyes wandered over the alleyway. Where was he supposed to go now?

If only he could walk on walls or something or even fly, those would be quite easy escapes.

Chris' eyes landed on the short wall at the end of the alley. He could probably hop that if given a minute.

He didn't have a minute though, since he saw a few police officers appear out of the corner of his eye.


Chris panicked.

What was he supposed to do?

This all wouldn't have happened if he didn't have to go back to grab his fucking backpack.

Chris then had an idea.

Eyeing the police officers who were now yelling and pulling their guns out, Chris began to slowly back away towards the short wall. Once his back was against the wall, he did something that he never tried before.

He jumped.

But it wasn't a normal jump.

Chris used his telekinesis to lift himself higher, making his jump high enough to jump over the wall.

And it worked.

Chris rolled on the floor as soon as he landed on the other side, chuckling at his success.

As soon as he landed on his feet, Chris booked it.

He couldn't believe that worked.

Adjusting his backpack on his shoulders, Chris ran until he was at the outskirts of the city. The police were somehow nowhere in sight.


They can't even do their fucking job correctly.

Chris slowed down as soon as he was outside of the city, looking back at the buildings. His time here was quite interesting.

Chris sighed, looking back to the scene ahead. It looked like he was entering some kind of forest, as shown by the tall trees.

Time for the next chapter of his escape from responsibility.

A/N uh ill just say that there's a bit of foreshadowing in this chapter ;)


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