Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"I'll be there."


Even though it was very cold outside, it was quite peaceful. Snow-covered grass made up the ground, the snow melting from the now-exposed sun. The sky hasn't been clear for days.

The peacefulness of the environment was definitely unaware of the current situation at hand.

It was the day of the villain's execution.

The decided method was by firing squad because apparently, that was what they used to execute Mr. Kim.

Chan was pushed out of the van that he was being transferred in by one of the guards, his power-dampening handcuffs jingling. Chris sighed as he stepped out onto the ground.

They were currently in the middle of nowhere.

Although firing squad executions are usually done in specific buildings for death row prisoners, the government decided to execute them away from the city because of the nature of the prisoners.

It made sense.

The two vans trailing behind Chan's van parked in a straight line, guards and the other prisoners coming out of them.

Hyunjin and Jeongin immediately both made their way to Chan, guards trailing behind them. Hyunjin waved his single hand. "Hey."

Chan gave the two a small smile. "Hey. You guys ready for our last day on earth?"

Jeongin nodded. "Y-yeah. I-I've been w-waiting f-for this a-and I kn-knew it'd be c-coming f-for a while."

Chan looked around, seeing some of the other guards setting up their guns and readying the area for the execution. "Yeah. It's a bit weird to talk about, I guess. Knowing that we won't be alive in the next hour."

Hyunjin nodded. "True. Once we're gone though, we'll be with each other for the rest of eternity... you guys were the best villain team ever."

Jeongin chuckled. "Y-yeah. W-we will. Th-thank y-you guys f-for m-making m-y sh-shitty life less sh-shitty."

Chan was about to respond when he saw a figure flying through the air, landing on the ground a few meters away from Chan.


Minho was wearing some quite casual clothes, a dark jacket over his striped shirt that contrasted his blue jeans. Minho was also wearing his cape for some reason. "Chan!"

Chan walked towards Minho, giving him a small smile. "What's with the cape?"

Minho raised an eyebrow, totally not expecting that to be the first words said to him. "Uh, aerodynamics(?) It's hard to fly long distances without it."

Chan chuckled. "So uh, you're here to send me off?"

Minho nodded. "As you requested."

Hyunjin raised an eyebrow. "You two seem to be on good terms."

Chan turned to look at Hyunjin, chuckling awkwardly. "Yeah."

Minho looked a bit surprised. "They know?"

Chan shrugged. "Uh, yeah. I ranted to them about you once."

Minho raised an eyebrow. "Okay, then-"

One of the guards that was setting came over to the villains and hero, speaking in a monotone voice. "We're all set up. Who wants to go first?"

It was so casual that it sounded like he wasn't asking who wanted to die first.

Jeongin sighed. "I-I'll g-go. I'm r-ready t-to l-leave a-anyways and I c-could f-finally e-end my s-suffering."

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