Chapter Seventeen

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Why not kill Strike?


Ah yes, civilization.

Chris finally arrived at the next city.

Chris blew a sigh of relief. His feet hurt like hell and he ran out of granola bars, so finally arriving was such a fucking godsend.

The first thing that Chris did was lay down on a random bench. He was so tired.

Sun beating down on his body that definitely contrasted the cool temperature of December, Chris sighed as he stared at the sky. It was quite peaceful, but it would probably stop being so peaceful if anyone saw his face.

That would be bad. Nobody knew he was here, and if it stayed that way he could definitely use that to his advantage.

After resting for a bit more, Chris stood up from the bench.

The next thing he needed to do was stock up on more granola bars.


Chris located the closest grocery store quite quickly thanks to his recent best friend: Google Maps.

With a baseball cap now covering his hair and his hood pulled over it, it was safe to say that nobody would recognize him unless they looked at him for a long time.

Chris entered the grocery store, immediately being blasted by Christmas music.

Wow, so festive.

Chris immediately made his way to find the granola bars quite quickly. There were so many in stock.

And guess what?

They were on sale too.

Heck yeah.

Chris literally grabbed a whole bundle of granola bars with both of his hands, lifting up a huge pile. Arm muscles taut from gripping the pile and trying not to drop them, Chris began to make his way to the checkout. He couldn't really think of anything else that he needed to buy so it was time to finish his shopping trip.

Chris walked up to the self-checkout and dropped his pile onto the counter in front of him, emitting a large cascade of thuds. Chris cringed slightly as he noticed a few heads turn, seeing his own panicked face for a split second in the security surveillance screen over the checkout.

Maybe he should've gotten a basket.

Chris took a mental note to try and hide his face a bit more from the camera right in front of him.

Chris scanned each granola bar one by one and paid before sliding every single one into the front pocket of his backpack.

Mission success.

Chris slid his backpack's straps over his shoulders and swiftly exited the store.

He won't be hungry for a while now.


It was now nighttime, and Chris was ready.

He was going to attack the city in order to get Strike's attention.

Chris already had his anti-gravity equipment on under his clothes and he had the air bazooka in disk form in his pocket, along with some of the retractable daggers. He was prepared, yet he wasn't going to use any of it until he confronts Strike for an element of surprise.

It was time to end him.

Chris walked out to the middle of the busy road and just stood there, eyes trained on the car that was currently approaching him head-on.

Looks like this would be the first unlucky victim of this new crime.

The driver hit the brakes, stopping right in front of Chris. The driver honked the horn twice, the piercing sound ringing through the air like an anticipated call for help before they rolled down the window and sticking their head out. The driver yelled, anger filling their tone. "Hey! What are you doing!? Get out of my way, I'm going to be late!"

Chris chuckled slowly and stared at the driver straight in the eyes, voice coming out dripping with slight playfulness and amusement. "Do you know who I am?"

The driver looked at Chris in disbelief as if they were questioning his implied challenge. "No-"

Chris flicked his hand up, the car going flying into the air before landing onto the asphalt with a large crash. The cars driving towards the area swerved out of the way immediately, the feeling of panic and curiosity going through the air.

Chris stared at the now ruined car, noticing that the driver was passed out (maybe dead), blood pooling up around their body.

Chris chuckled once again.

"Oops. Hope he has car insurance."


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